ASMFC Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Board Approves Draft Addendum XVIII for Public Comment
The Commission’s Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Management Board
has approved Draft Addendum XVIII to the Summer Flounder Fishery Management
Plan for public comment and review. The Draft Addendum proposes to alter
the summer flounder recreational specification process in 2006 only. If
approved, the Addendum would provide states that are facing large
recreational harvest reductions (New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts)
the opportunity to implement smaller reductions based on anticipated
savings achieved from other states maintaining their 2005 recreational
fishing rules in 2006. As such, states that have the option to liberalize
their 2006 summer flounder recreational regulations could choose to
maintain their 2005 regulations in order to distribute the savings to New
York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. This assumes the states maintaining
regulations would land the same amount in 2006 as in 2005.
Based on the 2005 summer flounder stock assessment, the 2006 coastwide
total allowable landings were significantly reduced from an expected 33
million pounds to 23.59 million pounds, resulting in smaller state
recreational harvest limits than anticipated. On a coastwide basis, the
recreational fishery did not harvest its entire 2005 limit, with the
majority of states harvesting less than their state share. However, due to
the drop in the 2006 harvest limit, it was necessary to reduce coastwide
landings by 3.85 % (based on projected landings data from NMFS MRFSS waves
The States of Rhode Island and New Jersey have scheduled the dates and
times of their public meetings to gather comment. The details of those
meetings follow:
Rhode Island Division of Fish & Wildlife
February 15, 2006; 6:00 PM
Corless Auditorium
University of Rhode Island
South Ferry Road
Narragansett, Rhode Island
Contact: Brian Murphy, (401) 423-1941
New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife
February 14, 2006; 7:00 PM
Ocean County Complex, Room 119
101 Hooper Avenue
Toms River, New Jersey
Contact: Tom McCloy, (609) 292-7794
Fishermen and other interested groups are encouraged to provide input on
the Draft Addendum either by attending public hearings or providing written
comments. Copies of the Draft Addendum can be obtained via the Commission’s
website at
Commission at (202) 289-6400. Public comment will be accepted until 5 PM on
February 16, 2006 and should be forwarded to Toni Kerns, Fishery Management
Plan Coordinator, at 1444 ‘Eye’ Street, NW, Sixth Floor, Washington, DC
20005; (202)289-6051 (fax) or co******@as***.org (Subject line: Draft
Addendum XVIII). The Board will meet in February to review public comment
on the Draft Addendum and consider its final approval. For more
information, please contact Toni Kerns at (202)289-6400 or
ASMFC Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Board Approves Draft Addendum XVIII for Public Comment
The Commission’s Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Management Board
has approved Draft Addendum XVIII to the Summer Flounder Fishery Management
Plan for public comment and review. The Draft Addendum proposes to alter
the summer flounder recreational specification process in 2006 only. If
approved, the Addendum would provide states that are facing large
recreational harvest reductions (New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts)
the opportunity to implement smaller reductions based on anticipated
savings achieved from other states maintaining their 2005 recreational
fishing rules in 2006. As such, states that have the option to liberalize
their 2006 summer flounder recreational regulations could choose to
maintain their 2005 regulations in order to distribute the savings to New
York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. This assumes the states maintaining
regulations would land the same amount in 2006 as in 2005.
Based on the 2005 summer flounder stock assessment, the 2006 coastwide
total allowable landings were significantly reduced from an expected 33
million pounds to 23.59 million pounds, resulting in smaller state
recreational harvest limits than anticipated. On a coastwide basis, the
recreational fishery did not harvest its entire 2005 limit, with the
majority of states harvesting less than their state share. However, due to
the drop in the 2006 harvest limit, it was necessary to reduce coastwide
landings by 3.85 % (based on projected landings data from NMFS MRFSS waves
The States of Rhode Island and New Jersey have scheduled the dates and
times of their public meetings to gather comment. The details of those
meetings follow:
Rhode Island Division of Fish & Wildlife
February 15, 2006; 6:00 PM
Corless Auditorium
University of Rhode Island
South Ferry Road
Narragansett, Rhode Island
Contact: Brian Murphy, (401) 423-1941
New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife
February 14, 2006; 7:00 PM
Ocean County Complex, Room 119
101 Hooper Avenue
Toms River, New Jersey
Contact: Tom McCloy, (609) 292-7794
Fishermen and other interested groups are encouraged to provide input on
the Draft Addendum either by attending public hearings or providing written
comments. Copies of the Draft Addendum can be obtained via the Commission’s
website at
Commission at (202) 289-6400. Public comment will be accepted until 5 PM on
February 16, 2006 and should be forwarded to Toni Kerns, Fishery Management
Plan Coordinator, at 1444 ‘Eye’ Street, NW, Sixth Floor, Washington, DC
20005; (202)289-6051 (fax) or co******@as***.org (Subject line: Draft
Addendum XVIII). The Board will meet in February to review public comment
on the Draft Addendum and consider its final approval. For more
information, please contact Toni Kerns at (202)289-6400 or