Atlantic – Striped Bass in the Exclusive Economic Zone NOAA Fisheries is preparing a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) in response to an Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission recommendation to remove the moratorium on the harvest of Atlantic striped bass in the EEZ. NOAA Fisheries conducted public meetings, in November and December 2003, to determine the scope and significance of issues to be evaluated in the DEIS. Analyses are underway for development of a comprehensive DEIS, which is expected to be completed by late summer. This DEIS will provide the background for a decision regarding the Commission’s recommendation. In order to provide the interested public with an opportunity to review and comment on the DEIS, once it is completed, NOAA Fisheries is developing both email and postal mail lists for distribution of the document. When completed, the document will be published on the Web and will be available on CD or in hard copy. Anyone interested in receiving a copy of the DEIS may ask to be added to the distribution list by: 1) sending an email to
2) sending a Fax to 301-427-2590; or
3) mailing a request to:
Anne Lange Chief,
State Federal Fisheries Division
Office of Sustainable Fisheries- F/SF8
National Marine Fisheries Service
1315 East-West Highway
Silver Spring , MD 20910
Be sure your request includes: name, state, email and/or postal mail address, and preferred media for receiving the DEIS (Web, CD, or hardcopy). Please note that we cannot accept comments on this action until the public comment period for the DEIS is established, after the document is completed and available for review.
For more information on the development of the striped bass DEIS and details for submission of names to the mail list files, go to:
Atlantic – Striped Bass in the Exclusive Economic Zone
NOAA Fisheries is preparing a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) in response to an Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission recommendation to remove the moratorium on the harvest of Atlantic striped bass in the EEZ. NOAA Fisheries conducted public meetings, in November and December 2003, to determine the scope and significance of issues to be evaluated in the DEIS. Analyses are underway for development of a comprehensive DEIS, which is expected to be completed by late summer. This DEIS will provide the background for a decision regarding the Commission’s recommendation.
In order to provide the interested public with an opportunity to review and comment on the DEIS, once it is completed, NOAA Fisheries is developing both email and postal mail lists for distribution of the document. When completed, the document will be published on the Web and will be available on CD or in hard copy. Anyone interested in receiving a copy of the DEIS may ask to be added to the distribution list by:
1) sending an email to
2) sending a Fax to 301-427-2590; or
3) mailing a request to:
Anne Lange Chief,
State Federal Fisheries Division
Office of Sustainable Fisheries- F/SF8
National Marine Fisheries Service
1315 East-West Highway
Silver Spring , MD 20910
Be sure your request includes: name, state, email and/or postal mail address, and preferred media for receiving the DEIS (Web, CD, or hardcopy). Please note that we cannot accept comments on this action until the public comment period for the DEIS is established, after the document is completed and available for review.
For more information on the development of the striped bass DEIS and details for submission of names to the mail list files, go to: