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1/4 duck hunt

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Dennis Spangler
Posts: 24
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After grinding all season to find good numbers with minimal success I was seriously contemplating giving up on duck hunting and taking up a less life consuming hobby...But as wise men say, patience and persistence pays off....and did it ever this morning....I was praying that this cold front would be the key to start pushing birds into our area and it did just that. After getting our spread out and setting up the blind my room mate and I had 20 minutes before shooting light to sit back and enjoy a quick breakfast....which was quickly interupted by 3 green wings splashing into our spread. We opted to eat later in hopes of staying quiet enough to keep them around long enough to get a shot on them and were soon greated by 2 more green wings locking up and coming in. At this point we still had about 5 minutes until game time. With two minutes left they all spooked and flew off... We then quickly ate the rest of our nabs and then it was on. Right at shooting light a pair of gadwall locked up and we took them both out. Throughout the rest of the morning we had a solid flight of green wings and gadwall. We also saw two big flocks of bluebills that werent interested in what we were offering...All said and done we ended the morning with 2 gadwall, 5 green wings, 1 woodie, and to hairy heads.... This morning definitely made up for all the long miserable days of scouting and hunting with hardly anything to show for it.... Hope everyone else gets some before spring comes back this weekend....duckz_118.jpgducky_808.jpgducksss_486.jpg

Posted : January 4, 2012 2:08 pm
Scott Blevins
Posts: 482
Honorable Member Registered

nice!..where were yall hunting?

Posted : January 4, 2012 2:23 pm
Posts: 154
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If you ever need some company shoot me an email!

Posted : January 4, 2012 2:59 pm
Posts: 658
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glad to see the weather cooperated for once this season, too bad I can't go again until Saturday....

Posted : January 4, 2012 4:40 pm
Dennis Spangler
Posts: 24
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Redfishman- We hunted a little north of the bays this morning. Were going hit around there again in the morning and if it doesn't produce like it did today were going to try and shoot a few blue bills at new river Friday...

Stuecu- I'm pretty booked for the next week or so because my pops just started getting into duck hunting pretty hard. I haven't been able to put him on many birds yet and he's already hooked, so i cant wait to see how he reacts when we have a decent hunt...I'll shoot you an email in the next week or so to try and set something up...

Matt- was that you a week or so ago in the smaller boat going near where we hunted last year????? If it wasn't you then i swear you have a twin!!! haha.

Posted : January 4, 2012 5:14 pm
Posts: 246
Reputable Member Registered

Lookin' woodies all went bye bye...gonna try them again this weekend...hoping the weather pushed in some new birds as well...

Posted : January 4, 2012 6:29 pm
Posts: 658
Prominent Member Registered

I haven't hunted out there but once and that was early December, is that where this hunt was? Think I'm going to try the waterway or the bays this weekend for the first time this year..

Posted : January 5, 2012 10:03 am
Dennis Spangler
Posts: 24
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No we hunted a little north of the bays. I've only hunted there once too and it was terrible....hopefully some birds will move in there soon though. Good luck this weekend and let me know how you do buddy.

Posted : January 5, 2012 9:05 pm
Posts: 76
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Hunted some salt marshes just off the waterway the last couple days and have been seeing a few birds. gadwalls, mallards, and a bufflehead or two. all flying before shooting time for the most part. only two mallards came close enough though...they are no longer with us

Posted : January 6, 2012 9:01 am
Posts: 36
Trusted Member Registered

Same story you had man, horrible season all together. Went out for the last hunt and the stars aligned.

Ended the day with 13 geese, banded mallard, gadwall, and blue bills. It was a great morning.duplin_co_1_21_12_817.jpg

Posted : January 30, 2012 1:48 pm