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Quick question, what age do you think it is ok to take your son hunting. My son is 5 turning 6 in March. He is showing a lot of interest that he wants to go, but i feel that maybe he is still too young. any opinions on this.

Posted : December 8, 2009 10:38 am
Lane Adams
Posts: 750
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I think he is plenty old to start tagging along. Just make sure to wrap him up good so he stays warm. I can remember going with my Dad and taking my double barrell cap gun when I was about that age. Now is a good time to start teaching him about gun safety too so that when he is old enough to get his own gun he will already be ahead of the curve!

Posted : December 8, 2009 10:46 am
Wayne Batten
Posts: 817
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Take him NOW and take him OFTEN. My son started hunting and fishing with me when he was about that same age. He will be 30 in February. Killed his first deer when about 9 or 10. Caught a Citation 36 pound dolphin at 10 years, "fish 2 inches shorter than the boy". Now we don't have as much time to fish as once, so enjoy every minute of it.
Be sure to keep him warm, teach good safety and savor the times.


Posted : December 8, 2009 10:54 am
Greg Manning
Posts: 971
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We started my son at 5 with a scoped .22 and he was shooting deer when he turned 6 with a .223. All my kids went with me before they ever even started shooting. My daughter was a little later...first deer at 8, but after that experience with her I decided I should have let her start doing the shooting earlier and did that with my son. It teaches them safety, responsibility and what the world is about. It is good for them to know food isn't just bought at a grocery store. Take him early and often....the experiences are irreplaceable.

Posted : December 8, 2009 11:56 am
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My daughter started going with me when she was 4. I would hunt tower stands and she would lay on the floor and color. Seems like just a little while ago"tell me if you see a deer daddy". She's 22 now. Spend all the time you can with them...they grow up fast. Great memories for all involved.

Posted : December 8, 2009 6:58 pm
Posts: 955
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My grandson is 3yrs and 4 mths and he goes and sits in the blind and the stand. Its kind of hard to keep him quite and still but my son inlaw takes him on good days when it not so cold. He has 2 rabbits under his belt no deer. BUt its only a matter of time. Take him with you and teach him saftey first.

Posted : December 8, 2009 7:20 pm
Lee Howell
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My daughter goes with me and she just turned 4 the other day... My son was 7 before I took him but I didnt start hunting again til this year.. Been 7 years since I climbed a tree...

Posted : December 8, 2009 8:04 pm
Posts: 448
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My daughter will be 5 in january and she has been with me 4 times in the last couple of weeks. Just make sure you make the trip fit them... I bought one of those pop-up blinds just for that reason...Mama was not fond of me letting her lil' girl scale a 16' ladder stand. Also, make it fun for them:
I got my lil' girl a cheap pair of binoculars and my wife made her a little "hunting bag" to take along some quiet toys! She gets so amped up about getting her "stuff" ready for our trip.
You won't regret taking them... just don't expect them to be a good luck charm until the learn to be quiet Wink

Posted : December 9, 2009 2:09 pm
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First hunt at 7 years old with a break action .243

Posted : December 9, 2009 2:26 pm
Posts: 1380
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You can't start em to young. Wink

Don't think either one of my boys will ever remember not hunting or fishing.rick_004_765.jpgrick_003_596.jpgrick_001_211.jpg

Posted : December 9, 2009 9:45 pm
chris holloway
Posts: 330
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Take your kid hunting and you wont have to hunt your kid! :tu:

Posted : December 21, 2009 9:44 pm
robert dial
Posts: 1588
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Take your kid hunting and you wont have to hunt your kid! :tu:

i agree 100%

Posted : December 22, 2009 7:28 pm
Posts: 52
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I have 2 nephews that are 8 & 6. The 8 year old killed his first turkey 3 days before his 6th bday and now has 5 deer and a bunch of ducks and geese under his belt. The 6 year old is still on a bb gun. He love going but is not ready to handle a firearm yet. I think as long as they can handle the gun the are ready to go. Also look into a Rossi 20/243/22 combo. It has been a great gun for him. He now has a 1187 youth that for some reason get emptied EVERY time birds get in the dekoys. As he says shoot till they die or the guns empty!! My favorite qoute from Sat. morning.

Posted : December 22, 2009 9:31 pm
Posts: 448
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You only have them for a little while... teach em' right!tn400_fishin_buddies_590.jpg

Posted : December 22, 2009 11:38 pm