What is the best place around Wilmington to buy bow hunting equipment?
If you can't find a good place near Wilmington then try the Bowsmith in Dunn, NC. They are full service and customize everything.
I am shopping for a Bay boat.
How do you like your NS 22? What is the ride like in a chop?
When it gets very windy in bays and the river to the point it white caps the boat runs right across the top.... very smooth. I really like the boat bc we can fish anywhere including offshore (weather permitting). I equipped my boat with electric downriggers and a talon. The talon or other shallow water anchor is a must have. I will never own another boat without a shallow water anchor system. I keep saying I will eventually go bigger but I like the flexibility so much I don't know that I ever will. The cost to operate offshore is substantially less also. About $200 in bait (squid, cigars, sardines), gas (no more than 40 gallons fully loaded), and ice (3 buckets) allows a full day of trolling and bottom fishing beyond WR2 out of NRI.
Nautic Star TS has a lot of bells and whistles compared to other bay boats but I would want to drive some of the bay boats with the flare before I purchased. For offshore get some trim tabs (which I need to add) and do not go lower than a 175 motor if you add trim tabs... in fact I would go with a 200hp. Though the boats are rated for more hp I don't really see the cost benefit advantage but if you want the availability of more hp then roll with it. My boat with a 250 will go much faster than I ever really want to go bc I like more of my boat in the water other than the last few inches of the stern.
Appreciate the information - the search goes on...
Canady's on Wrightsville Ave
Canady's on Wrightsville Ave
I have been meaning to stop at their store, just was hoping to hear of a better place.