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Conneticut shootings

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marc hartley
Posts: 410
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Yeah I know this site isn't meant for politics, but when over 20 elementary childeren are killed in a public schoool you resort to what you have to work with. I pick my elementary kids up several days out of the week, each day i walk right on in. Shouldn't be that way. I know we all survived the same policy, doors unlocked, open to the public; walk in get your kid. Shouldn't be that way. Man we need some monitors at the doors, card swipes, numeric key pad, something. Horrible day to hear news like that. Sure hate to hear it again. Taxes need to be spent right, starting at the schools. Get some security for the innocent kids.

Posted : December 14, 2012 10:19 pm
Posts: 3646
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The school where the shooting occurred didn't allow anyone to walk-in. You had to be identified and then buzzed in to enter the school.

Posted : December 14, 2012 10:32 pm
Chris Zoubek
Posts: 2594
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Federal funding needs to be redirected from building mosks over seas and protecting oil, to armed guards at our schools. Its the only thing that is going to keep our children safe. Federal funding for public schools and mandated armed security for private schools.

Posted : December 14, 2012 11:05 pm
Posts: 3812
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Based on what I've seen the Fed's do in responce to diasters, wouldn;t the states be better suited to respond and be proactive towards these types of horrific crimes???

Posted : December 15, 2012 5:58 am
Posts: 1866
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If you know you have a known threat wouldn't it just be better for society as a whole to eliminate the threat? rather than punish everyone?

Posted : December 15, 2012 7:27 am
Curtis Hester
Posts: 352
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It was considered a secure school. The shoother forced his way in. Trained, armed staff is going to be the best defense. The true miracle is this idiot, the 2 idiots at Columbine, the idiot at the movie theater, ect, etc, etc, "only" managed to kill 20 children. I could sit here and type for hours, but it won't change what has happened. It would take an extremely well laid our argument to convince me there is better defense than trained, armed staff.

Posted : December 15, 2012 5:56 pm
Randy Cullinan
Posts: 58
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Even and old retired cop would have stopped him from even trying it. Think about it. What is it worth a day to keep 600 little kids safe. Meanwhile rent a cops protect gas stations and 7-11.

Which needs the security the most?

I await with baited breath the president banning violent computer games and making it against the law to be a geek.

Posted : December 15, 2012 6:35 pm
Chris Zoubek
Posts: 2594
Famed Member Registered

Even and old retired cop would have stopped him from even trying it. Think about it. What is it worth a day to keep 600 little kids safe. Meanwhile rent a cops protect gas stations and 7-11.

Which needs the security the most?

I await with baited breath the president banning violent computer games and making it against the law to be a geek.

I totally agree ... Armed protection for our kids needs to happen immediately.

Posted : December 16, 2012 7:47 pm
Grouper Sandwich
Posts: 1216
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Yeah I know this site isn't meant for politics, but when over 20 elementary childeren are killed in a public schoool you resort to what you have to work with. I pick my elementary kids up several days out of the week, each day i walk right on in. Shouldn't be that way. I know we all survived the same policy, doors unlocked, open to the public; walk in get your kid. Shouldn't be that way. Man we need some monitors at the doors, card swipes, numeric key pad, something. Horrible day to hear news like that. Sure hate to hear it again. Taxes need to be spent right, starting at the schools. Get some security for the innocent kids.

I believe he shot out the glass door to gain access. It was locked up tight.
It did nothing to deter him. If there was a guard at the door, he would have been killed too. I would think you would assume someone normal coming to the door, and not having your gun drawn on them. If someone really goes off the deep and and wants to mass murder, I think it will be next to impossible to stop.

Posted : December 16, 2012 10:06 pm
Posts: 600
Honorable Member Registered

176 Children were killed this year in drone attacks in Pakistan.

400+ Civilians were killed this year by drone attacks in Pakistan.

514 Murders were committed in Chicago this year.

Approximately 3000 Children die every, single, day, from MALARIA.....while globally we have spent 385 Billion dollars on illegal drugs........

(here is a great look at the LIVE statistcs of the world, they are updated based on averages/real time data, scroll down to health to see the tickers for deaths and illegal drug spending

Look, what happend last week is beyond imagination. I can not begin to comprehend the amount of pain and suffering those people must face after such an incident.

However, the last thing that we need, is to give into the fear mongering, and make comments and statements about increased gun control and the militarization of public schools.

If those teachers/staff had the ability to exercise their freedom to to bear arms, and had just a bit of training, they could have stopped him. You might say that argument is flawed but everyone I know who carries has the capacity, and the will, to take action and remove a threat without hesitation. Why cant there be rotational police officers on duty on campus? I would not think that would be to much to ask. Still, you cant always rely on the police to save you, or the ones you love.....

When you give into the fear, you get things like the TSA, and the Patriot Act, two things that most of the users on here would not agree with.

I hope you will not take this post as offensive or degrading to the children who were lost. That is not my intent. My intent is to simply remind you that, regardless of rethnicity or religion, everyone on this planet is a child of God, we are all human beings, and we should be just as upset about the children being killed by drones as we are the children killed in this senseless act of violence.

Posted : December 17, 2012 8:37 am
Posts: 684
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I am all for protecting children but does anyone honestly believe giving the gov't more power and giving them the job to protect our children will do anything at all to help???

I don't, everything they touch can be accomplished far more efficiently by someone else. They have a horrible track record.

Posted : December 17, 2012 8:50 am
Stephen Chambers
Posts: 392
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Sad it has finally come to this, BUT.....I think that all teachers should have to attened a mandatory concealed carry class, and it should be required by law for them to carry while on the school grounds. Yes there is going to be arguments towards this. But even if it saved just one life it would be worth it. Some might say well what if that teacher goes off the deep end and starts killing students. Well then the next teacher will have the tools to step up and does what has to be done. It makes sense to me. My prayers are out to all the familys affected by this horrible act of violence. Also that same day in china there were 20 students who were stabbed at a school. So its time to beef up saftey somewhere. I say start with the teachers!

Posted : December 17, 2012 10:46 am
Posts: 1170
Noble Member Registered

Sad it has finally come to this, BUT.....I think that all teachers should have to attened a mandatory concealed carry class, and it should be required by law for them to carry while on the school grounds. Yes there is going to be arguments towards this. But even if it saved just one life it would be worth it. Some might say well what if that teacher goes off the deep end and starts killing students. Well then the next teacher will have the tools to step up and does what has to be done. It makes sense to me. My prayers are out to all the familys affected by this horrible act of violence. Also that same day in china there were 20 students who were stabbed at a school. So its time to beef up saftey somewhere. I say start with the teachers!

My first thought after this tragedy was the same as yours but then I started to think about all of those hand guns in pocket books under the desk and how easy it would be for some little kid to gain access. Seems like every great idea had a consequence . Not to get up on my soap box but I truly do not understand the concealed carry laws in our state and most others in the South East. If your considered to be a responsible enough citizen to get a concealed carry permit why are there so many places where you are restricted from carrying? Why cant you legally carry in a movie theater,bank,ABC store, base ball game or even a restaurant for that matter. I would have no issue with not consuming alcohol whenever I chose to carry, and feel that if more people did carry we would see a lot of bad people thinking twice before robbing someone walking back to their car from dinner downtown Wilmington or walking back to a car after a movie , especially around the holidays when folks may be inclined to be carrying more cash while Christmas shopping etc. Just my .02

Posted : December 17, 2012 11:08 am
Stephen Chambers
Posts: 392
Honorable Member Registered

Sad it has finally come to this, BUT.....I think that all teachers should have to attened a mandatory concealed carry class, and it should be required by law for them to carry while on the school grounds. Yes there is going to be arguments towards this. But even if it saved just one life it would be worth it. Some might say well what if that teacher goes off the deep end and starts killing students. Well then the next teacher will have the tools to step up and does what has to be done. It makes sense to me. My prayers are out to all the familys affected by this horrible act of violence. Also that same day in china there were 20 students who were stabbed at a school. So its time to beef up saftey somewhere. I say start with the teachers!

My first thought after this tragedy was the same as yours but then I started to think about all of those hand guns in pocket books under the desk and how easy it would be for some little kid to gain access.

My thinking was actually that they would only be allowed to carry on there own persons. I agree it would be way to dangerous to have a gun sitting in a desk. My 6 year old knows better than to touch a gun, but does she really? you know what im saying. Thats way to risky. But if the gun is carried on the teacher concealed I think that would make sense. the young kids wouldnt even know it was there.

Posted : December 17, 2012 11:16 am
Posts: 1943
Noble Member Registered

The state lottery of nc "supposedly" goes towards the school system. There's no excuse that we can't have the most secure schools around and the highest paid teachers. Somehow the money is going elsewhere obviously. Children and schools for some reason never have been a priority.

Posted : December 17, 2012 1:08 pm
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