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Conneticut shootings

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Mark Clapp
Posts: 981
Noble Member Registered

The state lottery of nc "supposedly" goes towards the school system. There's no excuse that we can't have the most secure schools around and the highest paid teachers. Somehow the money is going elsewhere obviously. Children and schools for some reason never have been a priority.

Lottery money and red light money in Wilmington. Teachers and administrators should be obligated to protect the children. Maybe a min. of so many teachers per 100 students should be required to carry and attend training.

Posted : December 17, 2012 2:22 pm
Posts: 3038
Famed Member Registered

Sad it has finally come to this, BUT.....I think that all teachers should have to attened a mandatory concealed carry class, and it should be required by law for them to carry while on the school grounds. Yes there is going to be arguments towards this. But even if it saved just one life it would be worth it. Some might say well what if that teacher goes off the deep end and starts killing students. Well then the next teacher will have the tools to step up and does what has to be done. It makes sense to me. My prayers are out to all the familys affected by this horrible act of violence. Also that same day in china there were 20 students who were stabbed at a school. So its time to beef up saftey somewhere. I say start with the teachers!

My first thought after this tragedy was the same as yours but then I started to think about all of those hand guns in pocket books under the desk and how easy it would be for some little kid to gain access.

My thinking was actually that they would only be allowed to carry on there own persons. I agree it would be way to dangerous to have a gun sitting in a desk. My 6 year old knows better than to touch a gun, but does she really? you know what im saying. Thats way to risky. But if the gun is carried on the teacher concealed I think that would make sense. the young kids wouldnt even know it was there.

Two words...Biometric Safe

Posted : December 17, 2012 4:49 pm
Posts: 250
Reputable Member Registered

The state lottery of nc "supposedly" goes towards the school system. There's no excuse that we can't have the most secure schools around and the highest paid teachers. Somehow the money is going elsewhere obviously. Children and schools for some reason never have been a priority., It was set aside as reserve from the get, but got served elsewhere since.

Posted : December 17, 2012 5:39 pm
Boyce Bishop
Posts: 291
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There is no doubt in my mind that ADAM LANZA targeted an elementary school for one reason. There was little to no resistance. Just female teachers and 6-7 year old kids. If that geek had of walked into the nearby High School he would have had his butt kicked once he set foot in the door. This kid was 98 pounds and couldn't punch his way out of a paper bag. He sought out a situation he could control. If he had even thought there was an armed guard at that school or some of the teachers would have been armed, he wouldn't have went to that school. To find out who was at fault you only need to look to his parents. He was a little rich kid who was pampered and sheltered all his life. His Mom had an arsenal of guns at home and he had access to it. Knowing that he had mental issues, that never should have never happened. God bless and comfort the families of those kids, I could not even fathom what they are going through.

Posted : December 18, 2012 9:42 am
Fernie Brown
Posts: 786
Prominent Member Registered

Why not do schools like the airlines?
You never know if a Marshall is on the plane but there is a chance one is.
Just put the thought out there and it could make a douch bag think twice.
It could even be a off duty vol leo.
I would vol a day a week. Make all background checks in those vols and secure the schools. I can walk right in my daughters school. Sure it says check in at office but I could go any where in there without going to the office. I have told her if she ever see's anything strange or hears gunshots to hit the floor and play dead. It's a sad time when this is part of parenting.
Prayers sent to Conn.

Posted : December 19, 2012 12:08 am
ah no
Posts: 58
Trusted Member Registered

Yeah I know this site isn't meant for politics


Posted : December 19, 2012 8:12 am
Duane Poling
Posts: 39
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I'm not sure the teachers carring would be the answer, too many variables. I do think the schools need a full time guard and lockdown system. My tax dollars can afford the bill if we cut out alot of the extra expense. There has been a sheriff car sitting outside the entrance of a construction site on 421 for a several weeks now. Just sitting there with his lights on all day to warn drivers of the truck entrance. If we can afford that we can afford guards at the school.

Posted : December 19, 2012 8:36 am
Posts: 701
Prominent Member Registered

We have "School Resource Officers" (Sheriffs Deputies) in our schools here...not sure at what grade levels they start. Same ones in the same schools everyday so the kids get to know them AND they get to know the kids. Also, our Sheriff has deputies stop by the schools and just walk around and talk to the kids to kind of let the little ones know they are the "good guys". I think both of these things work well and are steps in the right direction, just hate that things have come to the point where you need metal detectors and cops in a school!

Posted : December 19, 2012 9:07 am
Posts: 1943
Noble Member Registered

I'm not sure the teachers carring would be the answer, too many variables. I do think the schools need a full time guard and lockdown system. My tax dollars can afford the bill if we cut out alot of the extra expense. There has been a sheriff car sitting outside the entrance of a construction site on 421 for a several weeks now. Just sitting there with his lights on all day to warn drivers of the truck entrance. If we can afford that we can afford guards at the school.

What about the ones guarding the "sweepstake" parlors on every corner. That's what I call priorities in place. :wtg:

Posted : December 19, 2012 9:08 am
Wesley Atkins
Posts: 715
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The company I work for uses cameras to count people. They also see what items are being removed from racks and recognize different things. SO... Here is your Million dollar idea. Put cameras in schools to recognize guns and weapons. (Yes, they can do that) Have a person at one location monitoring the cameras for other security threats. One person can easily monitor several schools.... Now, when the camera sees a threat, the school has an auto lock down function, calls the cops, alerts the people at the school etc... Sure, you can't stop all the violence but it would help.

Teachers carrying guns scares me a little. We had an incident were a teacher was removed from my school when he went nuts and threatened to kill several students. It happens... Just youtube it. More arms are not always a good thing. Prevention is the best and after that, preparation.

Also, I generally stay away from conversations that have to do with our "rights". I personally don't have an issue with guns as they normally require someone's hands to kill and normally that someone is stupidly playing with it or meaning to kill. I just wish that everyone who owned a firearm of any kind keeps it locked up in a safe place OR handles it with care and out of criminals hands. Even though I don't have an issue with them, I know there are probably a minimum of 20 parents in Conn. who do at this moment. It is out of respect for them that I keep my opinions at the dock so to speak. Guns are like anything in politics. There are a lot of opinions out there on them and not everyone agrees with mine. To me, it should not be a political thing but it is.... Sad, but it is.

My heart is with the Children and Adults in Conn. I can only hope that out of this tragedy something is learned and applied to keeping everyone safe but it's like my grandfather says.... You can't stop crazy. You can only avoid it when possible.

Posted : December 19, 2012 9:09 am
Posts: 701
Prominent Member Registered

I'm not sure the teachers carring would be the answer, too many variables. I do think the schools need a full time guard and lockdown system. My tax dollars can afford the bill if we cut out alot of the extra expense. There has been a sheriff car sitting outside the entrance of a construction site on 421 for a several weeks now. Just sitting there with his lights on all day to warn drivers of the truck entrance. If we can afford that we can afford guards at the school.

What about the ones guarding the "sweepstake" parlors on every corner. That's what I call priorities in place. :wtg:

Are they on duty or "moonlighting"?

Posted : December 19, 2012 9:13 am
Posts: 1943
Noble Member Registered

I'm not sure the teachers carring would be the answer, too many variables. I do think the schools need a full time guard and lockdown system. My tax dollars can afford the bill if we cut out alot of the extra expense. There has been a sheriff car sitting outside the entrance of a construction site on 421 for a several weeks now. Just sitting there with his lights on all day to warn drivers of the truck entrance. If we can afford that we can afford guards at the school.

What about the ones guarding the "sweepstake" parlors on every corner. That's what I call priorities in place. :wtg:

Are they on duty or "moonlighting"?

Posted : December 19, 2012 11:44 am
Posts: 4098
Illustrious Member Registered

This is a really hard problem to solve. In a free society you will always have risk

First, I don't support arming teachers. Sorry, but the teachers I have met this year are not capable of making basic common sense decisions, never mind reacting in a life threatening situation. However, if a teacher is retired LEO or Military, I would support them carrying something on their person not in a bag or in the desk where it could be taken as long as the teacher is not identified.

I think that for the short run, all schools should have either off duty or on duty police officers on location. LEOs are always moonlighting out here directing traffic etc.. why not let them be in the school? Two cops per school and three or more if a known risk is present. In my kids school now, there is a full time LEO and all the kids know him. He is armed and I am sure he would be the first target if the stuff were to hit the fan but he is the kids first line of defense.

This state wastes so much money that diverting enough to pay the tab for two LEOs would be simple.

That being said, I think that we need to take a very serious relook at mental illness. These psychotropic drugs (or however you spell it) are designed to mess with a persons mind. Even though I haven't seen a news report, I am willing to wager that this murderer was on some kind of mind altering prescribed meds.

Posted : December 20, 2012 9:41 am
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