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Steve Diana
Posts: 2259
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Can all you hunter guys kill some more deer? They have been everywhere on the roads this past week. My friend hit one, and just on my way back from portersneck to hampstead, i stoped counting at 13... Lets kill some deer?! Twisted

Posted : June 30, 2010 1:34 am
Jason Oakes
Posts: 302
Reputable Member Registered

They're everywhere They're everywhere!

Folks only want to kill the big bucks. In most areas the Does really need thinning out.
There are several families in the area that I hunt that really appreciate the meat we give to them, most will take the whole deer, some older folks need you to dress it for them.
We grind up and freeze some mixed with cheap beef roasts for tacos, spaghetti, etc...
And sliced thin and fried with green peppers and onions ain't bad either.

I hunt in VA, you can check deer in on the phone, does are usually ready for the crock pot when I put them in the cooler in the truck. I take a big backpack with all the necesary stuff to dress them on the spot.
I guess you could say we tag em and bag em.

Posted : June 30, 2010 7:04 am
Posts: 213
Reputable Member Registered

They're everywhere They're everywhere!

Folks only want to kill the big bucks. In most areas the Does really need thinning out.

Hmmm.... Sounds like we need some dog hunters then.... The deer need thining out and they r out lawing dog hunting...Some of the few hunters who will shoot a doe

Posted : June 30, 2010 7:51 pm
Blake Holcomb/Brad Dove
Posts: 411
Honorable Member Registered

I will shoot anything...doe or a buck doesnt matter to me.

Posted : June 30, 2010 8:15 pm
Posts: 3038
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I shoot mostly does. I hunt for meat..Can't eat antlers.

Posted : June 30, 2010 8:26 pm
Steve Diana
Posts: 2259
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Topic starter

Come shoot in hampstead please. Im afraid of hitting one. In my little sports car, im dead if i hit one. My friend hit one with his 7 year old brother in the passenger seat, luckily they were both okay.

Posted : June 30, 2010 11:37 pm
Jason Oakes
Posts: 302
Reputable Member Registered

That's why I still hunt back home in VA as opposed to in NC.
I hear that there's some good areas to hunt down east where dogs are still allowed. There ought to be areas around Hampstead that it would be ok?

I know hunting deer with dogs has gotten a bad name over the years. In some cases rightfully so. Our club has a lot of land leased it's mostly all timber company land and the farm land that we do hunt is owned by guys in the club, we don't have too many hassles for the most part, but I'm sure at times we offend other guys in smaller leases near by, and my hounds will run for 12 to 16 hrs so they can get along way from where I turn them out.
I'ts the people that break the laws (mess things up) not the dogs!

Always looking for new places to run the hounds and new friends to meet, have 8 hounds and 2 more little fellas on the way, would like to hunt some open flat country sometime.

Posted : July 1, 2010 3:14 pm
Posts: 213
Reputable Member Registered

That's why I still hunt back home in VA as opposed to in NC.
I hear that there's some good areas to hunt down east where dogs are still allowed. There ought to be areas around Hampstead that it would be ok?

I know hunting deer with dogs has gotten a bad name over the years. In some cases rightfully so. Our club has a lot of land leased it's mostly all timber company land and the farm land that we do hunt is owned by guys in the club, we don't have too many hassles for the most part, but I'm sure at times we offend other guys in smaller leases near by, and my hounds will run for 12 to 16 hrs so they can get along way from where I turn them out.
I'ts the people that break the laws (mess things up) not the dogs!

Always looking for new places to run the hounds and new friends to meet, have 8 hounds and 2 more little fellas on the way, would like to hunt some open flat country sometime.

Thanks exactly what ive been saying for quite some time! If you dont have the land to turn your dogs out on or can't control your dogs then don't turn them out. I hunt in a club just outside rockymount. We've got 7000 acres and. We'll have to get togheher sometime this season and you are welcome to bring you and your dogs to my club anytime.

Posted : July 6, 2010 3:38 pm
Posts: 701
Prominent Member Registered

calebw15, you must be around Red Oak? Just up the road from me.

Posted : July 6, 2010 7:14 pm
Posts: 178
Estimable Member Registered

Some nice deer up in Rocky Mount.

Posted : July 11, 2010 10:09 pm
Posts: 955
Noble Member Registered

Ive got a pittbull, the best damm deer dog ive ever seen. He got 2 in hampstead from them coming into the backyard. They walked in but did not walk out.

Posted : July 12, 2010 8:33 am