Well trying to line up hunts and fishing trips around every other weekend visits is very trying and a test of patients and character to say the least. And I'm not talking about my patients and character, my son has been so understanding and perseverant through everything. He never complains about all the early morning hunts and fishing trips or the hours he has to spend in a vehicle. He is a trooper to say the least. So I turned him loose on the last day of youth turkey season. We actually got to hunt last weekend, Saturday morning was a wash out and Sunday we were set up in a great spot but unfortunately ole Dad (ME) had us set up in a bottom with the Toms roosted on top of a hill in front of us. As much as I tried to sweet talk him, that ole Tom would not come down that hill and I knew early on I had made a terrible mistake. Well mid week I took the time to set up a make shift blind, tucked back in a little thicket with a couple of cedars laid down in front right on top of that hill on the edge of the field. After picking him up Thursday night we come up with a plan for the Friday morning hunt. We would get an early start and try and ease up into the blind without bumping any roosted birds. Arriving early we started easing around the field, as we got within a couple hundred yards of the blind I thought I would give a little shock call to see if I could tell where the birds were roosted. They were on top alright but they were tucked back in the woods enough to get on top without spooking any. I looked back and whispered to my son this is your hunt buddy, I'm gonna set back here and let you go on up and see what you can do. He's seen me enough and he can work that slate better than me anyways. Well it didn't take long and he had em talking. Right after good light some hens got in behind him and I thought it was over, but they finally moved on out. Did he call too much? Yes, but I'm sure i have too, many times! Did he shoot the first Tom that came in? Yes! Is it a book turkey?? Heck no! But to me and him it's a trophy we will never forget! Every once and while things just come together. What a great day and a proud Dad!
Heck ya nice job on the thunder chicken way to go young man that's the way to bust one.
Gongrats love stalking those dirty birds.but usually come home with a story instead of bird good job youngster!
Good job - both of you!
In his mind, that's a 12" beard and I think he's right.
That's awesome! :wtg: :wtg:
Thanks for sharing ... way to go :wtg:
Right on!!!!
Absolute Trophy!! congratulations to the youngster and dad. been a long time since my son (now 17) got his 1st one. But look forward to opening day and every Saturday of the season. Got 2 long beards and a coyote last season. Awsome to see kids outdoors