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Looking for hunting lease or club opening

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I live in Wake county and I'm looking for a hunting lease or club opening in Wake, Chatham, Lee, Orange, Durham, Caswell, Person, or Alamance Counties. I have never paid to hunt before as I've always traded labor for permission to hunt private lands. I've done bushhogging, fence building, food plot planting and provided a measure of security for the landowner as far as poaching and tresspassing are concerned. All the parcels I've had permission on have been sold and planted in subdivisions.

With the money I've spent on gas driving 1 1/2 - 3 hours away to hunt this year I could have joined a club near by. The gamelands in the triangle area have recently become so overcrowded I am concerned about taking my daughters hunting with me. We have been walked in on one too many times.

I am looking for a place that is family friendly and is not overly pressured. Total size of the property is not of major concern as I've done well on smaller parcels with archery gear but ideally I'm looking for 50 -100+acres. If anyone knows of available parcels or a local club please let me know.

Thanks, Rick

Posted : January 20, 2013 3:30 pm
Posts: 545
Honorable Member Registered

Check out here: There is a list of clubs and some good info on hunting overall. Some one could help point in a direction as well.

Posted : January 20, 2013 4:06 pm