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my past week

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Scott Blevins
Posts: 482
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y'all are probally going to enjoy this!

I went to east tn to duck hunt over the weekend because we used to get a lot of ducks on the backside of cold fronts. well, it was 11 on sat morning and 6 on sun morning. the wind blew about 15-20 the whole time which makes the windchill around "freeking cold" you would think that I would have been rewarded with massive amounts of ducks and a sore shoulder; not the case! we killed 1 coot in 2 days! 😮 I headed back to spt to slightly warmer weather with killing ducks in mind. here's how that went...on mon morning I hunted my normal spot and not much going on so I decided to go looking for ducks...well I found some ducks and killed 2 black ducks in a masrh up river. I was feeling pretty good at this time untill I realized I couldn't find the boat. so I walked and walked for about an hour and still no boat. I figured that it must have floated off so I called a buddy to come get me. to make a long story short I missed seeing the boat by about 20 yds. the marsh grass was super thick and I was so tired I could barely walk. so im feeling good again and headed home...however there was a sand bar that decided that I was staying. yep, in about 15 min the boat was high and dry, so I had to wade over to my buddys boat and hitch a ride home and leave the boat there over night...took another boat up the next morning to retreive my boat and thought I could shoot some ducks before the tow home...nope! low water and frozen water! no ducks for me...took about 1 1/2 hr to tow my boat back and half way back my brads boat ran out of gas, so I had to end up towing his boat with mine. at this point im thinking "why the $&&% do I do this?" then I remember the fact that I love to kill ducks! so I coutinue on my quest and in the past few days have been hitting the buffies pretty hard...sorry so long winded! moral of the story; I'm and idiot and I love to shoot ducks! 😀

Posted : January 6, 2010 2:53 pm
Posts: 788
Prominent Member Registered

Scott, nothing like going on a great adventure.

I was up in Waynesville over the weekend and you right about the temps, colder then a witches well you know.

Counting days till end of March/first of April and I pull into the ramp at Southport Marina.........

Posted : January 6, 2010 3:19 pm
Scott Blevins
Posts: 482
Honorable Member Registered
Topic starter

jim, I was so cold, I was stiffer than a double dose of viagra! Grin Grin Grin

Posted : January 6, 2010 6:29 pm
Posts: 448
Honorable Member Registered

sorry to hear you had all that trouble bud... glad I could be somewhat helpful! Days like that make the "real good" days even better.

Posted : January 6, 2010 9:08 pm