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Need Help. Looking Land to hunt for me and my 15 yr old

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Steve Brantley
Posts: 999
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Looking to find someone that would let me hunt on there land. I have a 15 yr old that just picked up the sport last year and has fell in love with the idea but I have not been able to get a deer to come out of the woods for him. I was hunting some land in Pinetops but land has changed hands and may not be able to hunt it this year. I dont have a 4x4 and we hike in and hike out. I will help clear shooting lanes and help manage property. We also predator hunt to keep out mainly coyotes on the land. I really want to get him on some deer this year Please help. we only kill what we will eat, Im not a trophy hunter but will obey your guide lines on sizes you want harvested. I cant afford a hunting club this year since I was out of work from being laid off.. Thanks for the help.

Posted : August 5, 2010 8:59 pm