I'd like to do some target shooting with a handgun.
Do I have to go to a licensed range or can I shoot them on private farm land?
Check your local laws, but generally you can use a firearm anywhere as long as you're not in the city limits. Sometimes local laws say you have to be so far from a dwelling, so far from the right of way from the highway, and some counties say center fire rifles must be shot from an elevated platform.
The most safe way is go to a gun range unless you have access to a large property track ....... Lol
If you have access to the islands on the cape fear or intracoastal waterway you can shoot there. I always try to pick up the casings for reload.
Private land should be fine. Make sure you are shooting into an embankment or something. Handgun rounds can travel quite far. Happy shooting.
Also pick up the casings when you are done!
Follow up to this thread..
Can you target shoot with handguns in the national forest (Croatan) outside of hunting seasons?
This is from the Game Lands rules:
● Itis unlawfulto discharge anyweapon:
-froma vehicle,
-within 150 yards of any residence located on or adjacentto
game lands,
-within 150 yards of any game lands building or game lands
camping area (unless otherwise posted).
The 150-yard provision ofthisrule does not apply to the use of
archery equipmentonButner-FallsofNeuse and Jordangame lands.
● Firearmsmay be carried openly, or concealedwith a valid concealed handgun permit, at any time on game lands, exceptfor
the game lands noted in thissection.Hunting is allowedONLY
during the open seasons on game birds and game animals.
On Buckhorn, Butner-Falls ofNeuse,Chatham,Harris,Hyco,
Jordan,Kerr Scott, Lee, Mayo, Sutton Lake, andVance game
lands and PeeDeeRiverGame Land north ofU.S. 74, and that
portion ofR.Wayne Bailey-CaswellGame Land thatislocated
north ofU.S. 158 and east ofN.C. 119 during closed seasons
and closed hunting days on game birds(waterfowl, doves,woodcock,snipe,rails, gallinules,moorhens, coots, grouse,pheasant,
quail,turkey) andgame animals(deer, bear,fox,rabbits,squirrels,
boar, bobcats, opossum,raccoon), itis unlawfulto possess any
firearmreadily available for use.During thattime inwhich fox
season isthe only open season for a game animal, itis also unlawful
to possesstheseweapons.However, personsmay possess a
firearmduring the closed season on these game landsif:
- itis cased or notimmediately available for use;
- itis used by persons participating in field trials on field trial
- itis possessed in designated camping areasfor defense of persons
and property;
- orifitis a 22-caliber pistolwith a barrel, not greaterthan 7.5
inchesin length and shooting only short, long orlong rifle
ammunition, carried as a side arm
Blow up balloons, go 5 miles offshore, deploy and HAVE FUN
Blow up balloons, go 5 miles offshore, deploy and HAVE FUN
Do not go to AR372, aka Five-Mile Boxcars, and try this! Nothing like good old dirt to stop a bullet.
Blow up balloons, go 5 miles offshore, deploy and HAVE FUN
Also pretty cruel since turtles will eat the balloons and die.