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Time To Ban "Assualt Magazines"

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Cory Norville
Posts: 1033
Noble Member Registered

I posted this on my facebook this morning and think it's relevant here as well.

I was sitting in bed last night thinking about this and I really wanted to share this with everyone else. A lot of you already feel the same way I do about all this but for the ones on the fence or that aren't really sure what to think, which is understandable, here is one more way to look at it.

A man walks into a sporting goods store, he walks to the back of the store to purchase a _____________ . Having gotten what he came for he makes his way back home where his unsuspecting mother is sleeping in her bed. He walks up the stairs, opens the door and walks quietly over to her and kills her. After doing so he decides, for whatever reason, to go to an elementary school near by. He's buzzed in to the front door of the office with his _____________ hidden underneath his coat. Once in the front office he pulls out this terrible weapon and starts killing everyone he can. He makes his way through the halls and goes into a class room full of kindergartners where he continues his rampage. When all is said and done 20 five and six year olds and 6 adults have been murdered at the hands of this one man.

In the following week we have all the conversation you would expect us to have. ___________control, how was he able to get in the school, what can we do to keep people like him out of our schools, why did this mentally ill person not get the help he needed before he committed this terrible crime.

Of course we all know what word needs to be inserted in the blanks, that terrible word GUN, but if you could humor me for one second I'd like you to insert the word machete. Notice how the top paragraph of my story could still just as easily be true. Now go down to the second paragraph and tell me how ridiculous it would sound.

Posted : December 20, 2012 8:44 am
john Smith
Posts: 1779
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the difference is a car with 300 hp will most likely not kill 20+ people. A high capacity mag will.

Roll Try and keep up wid us, Waves.....this is a non-pollitical
lighthearted thread about what idiots the anti-assault rifle
(whatever that is) crowd is. Wouldn't you agree ?

If I roll up my "Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue" and swat
a fly, would the mag be classified as an "Assault Mag" ?

Jus' sayin'

Posted : December 20, 2012 4:25 pm
Posts: 93
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Cheaper than dirt is under an internal and AFT investigation. Thats why they pulled all there guns. Im not sure for what. This info was obtained from a friend who is an NRA instructor.

Posted : December 20, 2012 4:35 pm
Jamie Blue
Posts: 3660
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the difference is a car with 300 hp will most likely not kill 20+ people. A high capacity mag will.

Roll Try and keep up wid us, Waves.....this is a non-pollitical
lighthearted thread about what idiots the anti-assault rifle
(whatever that is) crowd is. Wouldn't you agree ?

If I roll up my "Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue" and swat
a fly, would the mag be classified as an "Assault Mag" ?

Jus' sayin'

I agree with the whatever "assault" weapon/rifle means. I hate that term. Its a media generated term designed to inflame non gun owners and ignorant people.

I have hunted since I was 5, although every year I seem to take less and less pleasure in the actual killing. I will defend hunting weapons to the end but you will never convince me to defend high capacity (my definition is 5+ rounds) magazines. Face it folks, regulation is coming and you don't have any arguments against it. If you think you are actually gonna defend yourself against a overreaching government cause you can carry a few more rounds you're dreaming.

You best hope they don't go Australia on us and ban all semiautomatic weapons with mandatory buybacks. Cause they will have the public support to do it. We'll be lucky if its just magazines.

I just hope they do something about mental health care as well. Its terribly screwed up in this country. Privatization screwed it up royally.

Last thing re the cars....when's the last time you heard of someone using a car to deliberately kill 20+ people? I rest my case.

Posted : December 20, 2012 4:41 pm
Cory Norville
Posts: 1033
Noble Member Registered

Face it folks, regulation is coming and you don't have any arguments against it. If you think you are actually gonna defend yourself against a overreaching government cause you can carry a few more rounds you're dreaming.

So we should just throw up our hands and say what the hell, rule us?????? That's the most pathetic statement I've ever read. I'm sorry wave, you want to give up your rights like that, go right ahead, I'll keep doing everything I can to stop these people from ruining this country. I've already wrote my congressman about this issue and I suggest you all do the same.

Posted : December 20, 2012 4:54 pm
john Smith
Posts: 1779
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so the question is who has any I can buy??

"any" what ?

Posted : December 20, 2012 4:57 pm
Darrell  Garrett
Posts: 569
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A Great American, The Greatest Movie Star, past NRA President and the Man I Always Greatly admired , Charlton Heston once said, the Only Way my Guns will be taken from me is by prying them from my Cold Dead Hands, and I agree, Period ..................

Posted : December 20, 2012 5:59 pm
john Smith
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Posted : December 20, 2012 6:49 pm
jim sabella
Posts: 101
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Alcohol+automobiles kill appx 10,000 people a year, 181 children under 14 were killed as a part of that statistic every year, appx the same number who are killed in the same age group every year by firearms. Included in these statistics is the fact that over 300,000 people each year are caught driving under the influence.

While as a father of a small child I am saddened, and outraged by the tradgedy in Connecticut, I fail to see how we can stop people from breaking ANY laws? "Gun Free school zones" how did that help? Murder ? That started the day for this killer before leaving the house? People that want to perform these acts prey on the weak, and gain their 15 minutes of fame for the most part posthoumously. For that matter if you want a 170 mph car why? But as long as you follow the law why can't you have it? The same goes true for hi-cap magazines, alcohol, and other products that can be misused to cause greivous harm.

Posted : December 20, 2012 7:05 pm
Grouper Sandwich
Posts: 1216
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Do we need clips with 30 rounds in em... He'll no! If your hunting and need 30 shots you shouldn't be hunting. If you using it for self defense and miss the first couple shots... Well it's too late for you anyway. If its for target practice.. Well ok but it's going to be expensive. Do I own one now or will I ever own one ...not a chance.

Did it cause the deaths in any way.. Not a chance. Had this argument with my dad. If all he could get was 10 round clips just as many people would be dead, and if not 26, would 10-15 been acceptable? Banning large clips is probably coming as there is NO justified reason we really need them, however the problem will be far from solved.
The crazy sob would have used a knife if he had to. Again plenty of deaths.

Posted : December 20, 2012 7:15 pm
Cory Norville
Posts: 1033
Noble Member Registered

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. PERIOD!!!! There's your justification.

Posted : December 20, 2012 7:52 pm
Grouper Sandwich
Posts: 1216
Noble Member Registered

To bear arms you are correct. I have a houseful of weapons and ammo and am an avid hunter too, so take this how you want
There is NO damn good reason for those high capacity clips
PERIOD! the only argument is if we let them take that.. What's next..

Ok I get that

Posted : December 20, 2012 8:18 pm
Posts: 1866
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When there is no HOPE for these young people it seems in their mind there is CHANGE. I for one see no reason to attack the mags or the black guns, i do see a reason to be mad as hell with the judicial system when you have a known problem but you dilly dally around ane wait to see what the outcome is gonna be, by the way, whatever came of the Ft Hood guy, did they execute him yet?

Posted : December 20, 2012 8:33 pm
Cory Norville
Posts: 1033
Noble Member Registered

We'll have to agree to disagree. If you don't see it, I can't help ya.

Posted : December 20, 2012 8:34 pm
Posts: 3038
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I enjoy shooting alot. I enjoy shooting high cap mags. That's the only reason I need. It's not up to the gov. to tell me how and why I should enjoy myself. I can do more damage with one round than 50 if I wanted to. Ijumped through some serious hoops to have the types of firearms that I do. If I let some idiot get a hold of one of them, that's my fault, not the gun or magazine.

Posted : December 20, 2012 8:36 pm
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