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Time To Ban "Assualt Magazines"

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Thread not about tanks, teachers, rocket launchers or Mack,
Try to focus and see below :wtg:

Well OK, but I sure would like to reply to his second post.

Posted : December 21, 2012 9:39 pm
warren barton
Posts: 947
Noble Member Registered

You,me,they,whoever,can point fingers,and say whatever,but if everyone that owns a gun put a lock on said weapons it would probably eliminate a lot of this Shit.unfortunately,a lot people leave thier weapons unlocked,In a household with unstable excuse for this.

Posted : December 21, 2012 9:49 pm
Darrell  Garrett
Posts: 569
Honorable Member Registered

This is a good read about Guns...Q&A: Gun terms, laws ::

Posted : December 22, 2012 7:35 am
john Smith
Posts: 1779
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zigzag said, "Well OK, but I sure would like to reply to his second post."

:biglaff: :wtg:

Posted : December 22, 2012 8:44 am
Posts: 1943
Noble Member Registered

Face it folks, regulation is coming and you don't have any arguments against it. If you think you are actually gonna defend yourself against a overreaching government cause you can carry a few more rounds you're dreaming.

So we should just throw up our hands and say what the hell, rule us?????? That's the most pathetic statement I've ever read. I'm sorry wave, you want to give up your rights like that, go right ahead, I'll keep doing everything I can to stop these people from ruining this country. I've already wrote my congressman about this issue and I suggest you all do the same.
Next crashman will bring up personal vendetta argument. Keep fighting Fishfindertoo, your not alone.

Posted : December 22, 2012 2:44 pm
jim sabella
Posts: 101
Estimable Member Registered

Never give up, any firearm sporting or not usually was developed from a "military arm" at one time or another. See what the bottom of my posts say. Hi cap mags do not cause crime, ammo does not cause crime, a willingness and desire causes crime. Ignore your rights, let them be usurped, once they have started it WILL NOT STOP.

Posted : December 24, 2012 7:55 am
john Smith
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Captain Jim Sabella
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both"
"Those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who do not"


Posted : December 24, 2012 12:28 pm
Posts: 12454
Member Admin Registered

This is a fairly heated topic. I am OK with the Topic but lets keep the personal attacks out of it. Have an intelligent conversation about the issues. Leave out anything that attacks another member.


Posted : December 26, 2012 7:29 pm
Posts: 3038
Famed Member Registered

I'm curious to who the gov. will use to confiscate weapons "if" they ban them? Now I don't believe they will go door to door to collect guns. But with people saying it's a possibility, I was curious. I ask this because I've been doing a little survey at work. So far I've polled 64 law enforcement officers(including local PD, deputies, NCIS,FBI, SBI,and even ATF agents), 277 military servicemen and women, and numerous EMT/ Firemen, etc. Not one single person said that they would obey an order to do so. Each and every person swore that the day that they were ordered to do so, they would quit on the spot. Not one single person even thought it over. It was always an instant answer. Now the gov. has already said that it is physically impossible for them to go out and roundup over 12 million illegal aliens. How would it be possible for them to roundup over 300 million guns?

Posted : December 26, 2012 8:03 pm
Posts: 1404
Noble Member Registered

Last thing re the cars....when's the last time you heard of someone using a car to deliberately kill 20+ people? I rest my case.

Oklahoma City in 1995...168 people (19 children under age of 6). Bad people will find ways to do bad things no matter what. This kind of killing (car bombs) goes on very frequently in the Middle East. Limiting magazine capacity will not keep these kinds of tragedies from happening. We need to limit the "Freedom of the Press" that sensationalize these events that give these type of people such popular legacy (I don't mean popular in a good way).

Posted : December 26, 2012 11:42 pm
Darrell  Garrett
Posts: 569
Honorable Member Registered

Capt_John, Should a gun ban take place from what I have read, an offer is made by the Gov. to purchase everyone's guns and then laws are passed that anyone who is found with these guns after that, is charged and arrested for having a weapon that is not legal to own......

Posted : December 27, 2012 7:26 am
Posts: 1943
Noble Member Registered

Capt_John, Should a gun ban take place from what I have read, an offer is made by the Gov. to purchase everyone's guns and then laws are passed that anyone who is found with these guns after that, is charged and arrested for having a weapon that is not legal to own......

There's already money, I think $250 being offered for folks to turn in their guns. Fools are falling for it too. I think in California. ( not surprising though )

Posted : December 27, 2012 8:57 am
Scott Zimmerman
Posts: 675
Prominent Member Registered

I have 7x 30 round mags and about 250 loose rounds from my former AR if anyone interested. PM me

Posted : December 27, 2012 9:08 am
Posts: 3646
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Last thing re the cars....when's the last time you heard of someone using a car to deliberately kill 20+ people? I rest my case.

Oklahoma City in 1995...168 people (19 children under age of 6). Bad people will find ways to do bad things no matter what. This kind of killing (car bombs) goes on very frequently in the Middle East. Limiting magazine capacity will not keep these kinds of tragedies from happening. We need to limit the "Freedom of the Press" that sensationalize these events that give these type of people such popular legacy (I don't mean popular in a good way).

Don't forget that before the world Trade Centers were destroyed using planes that a car bomb was detonated in the parking garage to try to bring down one of the towers.

Posted : December 27, 2012 12:45 pm
Posts: 3646
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Posted : December 27, 2012 1:33 pm
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