(edited). Blue spots not white
looks like a coney (red phase)
well..good news and bad news.
Good news. I know what it is.
Bad news... since you have handled it, your hand is going to fall off. But not the hand you picked it up with, the other one.
But seriously... Its a red fish. Best i got.
Ill keep tabs on this one, i am interested. If its a coney, its a REALLY bright one.
How close are you to nuclear water? in which case, the fish may be the least of your worries..
.... cant tell that i am bored, can you?
Lol. Funny. No nuclear waste around.
Roach says Strawberry Grouper. looks like it...
&imgrefurl= http://www.islandglassofwine.com/Liquid%2520Glass%2520-%2520All%2520The%2520Rest.htm&h=960&w=1280&sz=130&tbnid=YojWui0zq7QztM:&tbnh=92&tbnw=122&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dstrawberry%2Bgrouper%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=strawberry+grouper&docid=VjpYeO43oi9DWM&sa=X&ei=2Da1T43mOqrd6QGi-8HXDw&ved=0CGkQ9QEwAA&dur=22 4"> http://www.islandglassofwine.com/Strawberry_Grouper.jp g" target="_blank">
http://www.islandglassofwine.com/Strawberry_Grouper.jp g"/> &imgrefurl= http://www.islandglassofwine.com/Liquid%2520Glass%2520-%2520All%2520The%2520Rest.htm&h=960&w=1280&sz=130&tbnid=YojWui0zq7QztM:&tbnh=92&tbnw=122&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dstrawberry%2Bgrouper%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=strawberry+grouper&docid=VjpYeO43oi9DWM&sa=X&ei=2Da1T43mOqrd6QGi-8HXDw&ved=0CGkQ9QEwAA&dur=224
wrong link... sorry.
Im going with Coney. Thanks guys. This is what convinced me.
yep, coney, good sized one, biggest I've seen is about 18"... that's a sign of good bottom...