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Coast Guard sets Port Condition Yankee for Morehead City, NC

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David Paff
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The Captain of the Port (COTP) North Carolina has set Port Condition Yankee for the Port of Morehead City in preparation of the anticipated weather impact of Hurricane Maria. The Port of Morehead City is closed to all inbound traffic. No vessel may enter the Port of Morehead City without the permission of the COTP. As a reminder, all cargo and bunker handling operations shall cease upon the setting of Port Condition Zulu 12 hours prior to the arrival of gale force winds (34 knots or 39 mph) and above.

1. All self-propelled oceangoing vessels over 500 gross tons, all oceangoing barges and their supporting tugs, and all tank barges over 200 gross tons departing the Port of Morehead City must schedule their departure to clear the Beaufort Inlet Channel Lighted Whistle Buoy “BM” (LLNR 29328) upon the setting of Port Condition Zulu.

2. All commercial vessels and barges who have received permission from the COTP to remain in the Port of Morehead City must be at their site in accordance with their application as approved by the COTP upon the setting of Port Condition Zulu. Movement within the port is allowed, including towing vessels and assist vessels.

3. Vessels bound for the Port of Morehead City shall seek an alternative destination.

Mariners are also advised that drawbridges will remain closed when wind speeds are 34 knots or greater or once evacuations begin. Because of the uncertainty of weather movements and related bridge closures, mariners are urged to seek passage through drawbridges well in advance of the arrival of gale force winds.

For guidance on specific issues or to obtain a vessel application to remain in port, contact the Sector North Carolina Command Center at (910) 343-3880.

