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NOAA Fisheries Announces New Electronic Reporting Requirements of Interest to Some HMS Constituents

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NOAA Fisheries Announces New Electronic Reporting Requirements of Interest to Some HMS Constituents

NOAA Fisheries is implementing the final rule for the South Atlantic For-Hire Reporting Amendment. HMS Charter/Headboat permit holders who also have permits for South Atlantic fisheries may be affected.
About the Rule

The final rule establishes electronic reporting requirements for vessels with a federal charter/headboat permit for South Atlantic coastal migratory pelagics, Atlantic dolphin and wahoo, or South Atlantic snapper-grouper and modifies the reporting deadline for headboats.

The rule will be effective on September 1, 2020.
HMS Permit Holders May Be Able to Submit One Report

Fishermen with a HMS Charter/Headboat permit must report swordfish and billfish landings, as well as bluefin tuna landings and dead discards, within 24 hours of returning from a trip. Some approved software will allow one report to satisfy requirements of both the Southeast For-Hire Electronic Reporting Program and the HMS catch reporting program. A list of vendors approved for use in multiple reporting programs will be posted online by summer 2020.

Please note that it is the responsibility of the permit holder to ensure that they meet the timing requirements for reports under the more restrictive permit. Maryland and North Carolina vessel owners will also still be required to report recreational bluefin tuna, billfish, and swordfish landings at state-operated reporting stations.

If you are reporting to HMS on a software application that is not approved for use in the Southeast For-Hire Electronic Reporting Program, you may need to submit multiple reports.
