I just acquired 2 trolling rods that have upper and lower rollers at the first eyelet and one roller on the end. What kind of maintenance should be done on these to insure the rollers do not stick or bind?
I'll occasionally hit mine with some WD_40 and that's about it. I let them dry before running line through them as I have minor concerns about it messing with line integrity. That's about it.
Appreciate it Bilzo! Don't want any issues
Pretty much my guide below. Flushing well after every use is definitely key.
Soap and water after EVERY use, few drops of oil to the bushing/bearing. Most of the roller guides have replacement bushing in the guides. You can take abused busing out and buff with a drimel tool.
I take my rollers apart every winter to make sure everything works properly, lube and re-assemble.
Do it the same time I tear down my reels for new line and check for any worn parts and lube.