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22 welcraft walkaround rookie needs help

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Hi every one, I have been fishing around little river in a 17' skiff for about 5 years . just bought a 22' wellcraft walkaround, installed new 5.7 vortec & went through out drive, looking to take it to the streem in the fall on a perfect day, after a few trips to ocean isles to learn the boat.
was wondering if any experienced fishermen would be willing to let me shadow them on a trip to the streem to get some experience. looking to make a few new friends

John Rakoci
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Surely one of the guys at Seacoast Anglers Assoc would consider it. A great group of guys that fish NC & SC. Meetings held in Little River.

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The stream is a LONG way in a 22 foot boat with 1 motor.

Just saying...

Learning to fish offshore....
Captain Jeff Peoples is a Charter Captain from down that way that is between boats. Good Dude and a good fisherman. For someone that is looking to learn in that area my advise is to hire him for the day to go with you. Best $200 you will spend.


Here is someone he recently took....

and I think he is out with somone today.


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thanks guys, I know my 22' walkaround is on the small side, I have had several charter captions tell me that it would be safe on the right day, I bought this boat with a frozen engine, did all the work myself, the drive train is 100% brand new, I will run several short trips first, to prove the boat, I am soaking up all the safety notes I read on this site. this is a awesome site, can't wait to meet some of the people on here in person & make some new friends.
