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Holden Beach to Carolina

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Noble Member Registered
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Looking to hitch a ride out to the stream either Friday or Saturday! The waether looks awesome and there should be a decent chancenfor some real freezers filling. I have tons of experience on the water and Imo a pretty good deckhand. I can set a spread rig a ballyhoo or do anything that needs to be done! I usually fish out of Oak Island or Southport but I'm willing to travel to ride this weekend to hop on a boat. I got the bluewater itch bad and if I don't get it scratched soon people may start to not like me seeing as I get ill if I don't get a regular fix. Usually I don't have this problem but seems everyone I fish with is tied up this weekend! Splitting is mot a problem!

Noble Member Registered
Joined: 15 years ago
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Thanks for all the offers guys I founnd a ride with my hero Joe!
