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Looking for a stream trip 5/18 or 5/19

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John Tarlton
Trusted Member Registered
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I know it’s early in the week but if anyone has an extra spot on their boat for a stream run this weekend please let me know. I’m willing to meet whatever financial obligation you see fit (within reason). My name is John and my number is 910-280-9359. I follow directions well and will respect your boat. I’m not a drinker (I’m a highway patrol applicant) but drinking does not bother me at all. If anyone has a slot let me know please! Thank you!!

Phillip Loughlin
Honorable Member Registered
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Posts: 575

You having any luck finding a trip? I'm looking at a run on Sunday if this weather holds, and my regular crew may not be available. PM me if you're interested, and we can chat on details.

Honorable Member Registered
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 387

I'm trying to put a trip together on Morehead City this coming up week and need a few guys
