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Looking for offshore guide out of Morehead

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Planning a tuna trip in the next couple months with a bunch of buddies. Fish a 36 CC and have all the gear. Years of fishing experience. Just need a local guide for locations, tackle, techniques and general help.

Driving up from Charleston, fist time offshore NC. Been tuna fishing out of Venice the last two winters. Want to try a place a bit more close to home.

Trying to see if there is any interest.

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PM Capt_John through this site. He does a lot of this.


darren tupper
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Hello, you said tuna fishing and in the nexted few months. Blackfin are being caught at this time and the Bluefin should be moving this way soon. If your fishing for yellowfin april/may is good. I have also caught my biggest at the end of March, Just depends on if they are there. If you need someone with some#'s and a guide, I am sure I can help. Thanks Good fishin!!!
