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Looking to split an inshore trip May 4th or 5th

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Tim Rolfe
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Hey guys,
I've purchased a home close to Snow's Cut and am considering buying a boat for when I'm in town. However, I believe it would be a good idea to ride/fish with someone more experienced to understand better what type boat I really should buy... I'm thinking more of a skiff type and fish inshore, bays, etc... but, I don't know- going outside a little sounds interesting, too. I'm an old freshwater bass-type guy, so trolling around all the time doesn't seem as appealing as casting for something to bite.

I'll be in town May 4th and 5th and was wondering if there's anyone willing to show this 'ol boy the ropes? I'll gladly split the cost.


Mark B
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I live @ CB & will let you know if any of my friends want to go those days & have room for 1 more person. BTW, you can cast to fish close to shore in the ocean too- especially Spanish mackerel & bluefish when they're on the surface.

Tim Rolfe
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Thanks! i do have some experience w spanish and blues on Gotchas from Jolly Roger pier in Topsail... loved it! Just not all the crowd. I appreciate any help w your buddies.

Mark B
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No problem, I'll let you know as it gets closer to those dates. If it's calm, we're going out this Wed, but that won't help you.

Tim Rolfe
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just bumping it back up.... Looking for a ride to fish May 4th or 5th... thanks.

Famed Member Registered
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Hey VKTim...with regards to spanish and bllue and crowds, etc...

If you're in decent shape (and being kinda tall doesn't hurt)....
when you get an early morning low tide and calm seas, wade out to the sandbar, and try to get to a point where you won't have to worry about small waves breaking on you as they hit the bar. Get a hopkins or gotcha or some small shiny plug and cast away from there. You'll occasionnaly nab a spanish, blue, flounder, lizardfish, or something else out there doing that, and you won't have to worry about other people, aside from an occassional surfer drifting by.

I like early morning because seas are usually calmest then, and I've usually found the spanish to bite better then as well. This isn't so much for loading the cooler, but for having a decent fight in a relaxing environment using light tackle. I'd advise against stringing a bunch of floppy, bloody fish to your belt if you're going to wade out past the sandbar 😀

Mark B
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vktim- sorry, but my friends weren't able to go out Fri & I had a 12 hour charter trip to work yesterday (Sat). FYI, the CB pier hasn't been that busy cuz the very end is still closed since the repairs have't been done yet, so all the king fishermen have been fishing off Kure Beach pier. If you want, give me a call before you come down next time & I'll try again to get you on a boat. Mark (910-540-0808)

Tim Rolfe
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thanks a million, I 'll be sure to call... I believe I'm back on May 25/26th (Fri/Sat/Sun)
Thanks again
