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May 1, 2, 3

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Scott Armstrong
Noble Member Registered
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Hey guys, I have the above dates off from the grind. Ready to go. I'd hate to have to fish alone!! Weather permitting,if anyone is interested in jumping on board and going after some Grouper and whatever else we can hook, let me know. We don't burn a ton of gas, trips are very efficient and wallet friendly.

I'm very easy going, fish hard from dawn till dusk.

Hope to meet some new faces this season off this site.

PM me if interested. And of course, if you cannot go this time, let me know and I will keep your info for futire trips.


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Posts: 230

Seriously considering it myself at least one of those days. Where do you go out of? Thanks for the offer to everyone.

Scott Armstrong
Noble Member Registered
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I'm launch from Snows Cut in CB. However come end of May it'll be at Inlet Watch Marin until October.

Lets go!!

Scott Armstrong
Noble Member Registered
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Posts: 968
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I'm launch from Snows Cut in CB. However come end of May it'll be at Inlet Watch Marin until October.

Lets go!!

Reputable Member Registered
Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 230

Thanks Rodeo, certainly close enough. I will let you know, alot depends on work.
