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Need 3 for Sat 08/23 out of AB

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Chris Zoubek
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If the weather holds, looks like we will be going off to chase some wahoo out of AB on a 33' Palmetto. Will split expenses equally across crew.

PM me if you are interested.

Jon Pollock
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Hey Chris, is the Palmetto yours again? Id love to go with you on sat if the weather permits.

Chris Zoubek
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Hey Chris, is the Palmetto yours again? Id love to go with you on sat if the weather permits.

No... This is my buddy George's Palmetto. He bought his after he road on mine and liked it so much!

OK ... You've got a spot. Weather is not doing nice things right now so I guess we will keep our eyes on it and touch back as we get a little closer!

John Gann
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Catch em up Chris. I'll be in VA for the weekend or I would be in with you guys. Tell George I said hello and we need to plan a Ruddy Ducks night soon.

For anybody that's thinking about fishing with these guys do it. First class individuals and that is an awesome boat to fish. You will be to the grounds in a little over an hour.

Chris Zoubek
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Looks like we have a full crew, guys.

Thanks. Looking forward to it. Hope those seas hold off for us!
