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Need fishing help or a partner

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Will Henly
Active Member Registered
Joined: 12 years ago
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Hey im 18 and love to fish. Im trying to see if anybodyu needs any help with any odd jobs in return of going offshore or just a fishing buddy to go out with and split fuel cost. thanks Will

Bill Jolly
Honorable Member Registered
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Posts: 469

I'm always looking for a partner to fish with. I'm a little ways away from where you are but if you're interested in trying to plan something sometime let me know.

Will Henly
Active Member Registered
Joined: 12 years ago
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That's perfect my grandparents have a house in cherry grove and I will be down there this weekend. Im down to go anytime im off work. Im not sure of your schedule but whenever you want to go just let me know. Thanks Will
