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Need to get out Monday or tuesday

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Bill McMullen
Estimable Member Registered
Joined: 12 years ago
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If anyone is going Monday or tuesady 21 or 22 July, my son and would love to jump in. Experienced and pay our share and respect your rig. My boat is getting some engine work finished up and we are on vacation at emerald isle so going out BI would be great. Was planning on bringing the boat up this week from CB :wall: thanks!

Terry Frazier
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Posts: 1

Would love to go out fishing Wednesday or Thursday. I am in the topsail area. Would split gas money please text email

Bill McMullen
Estimable Member Registered
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 105
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Thanks, we ended up going on the RUN OFF with Marty and Brian. Great time and I will get a post up to report later when I get a couple pics downloaded. Don't know if I can pass to go out again this week, after that. :chin:
