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Newbi fishing out of oak island would like to learn.

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I finally have some time off and would love to do some fishing. Have a place in oak island and would like to learn. I've done some, and have some gear but would like to go out with some experienced anglers. Will chip in for gas and bait etc. Any time is pretty good for me this summer.

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Hey mattrimc,

Welcome to, there are several good anglers that fish out of OKI. Your post doesn't clarify if you are wanting to learn inshore, nearshore, offshore, bluewater or anywhere in between; post back and clarify will help out. I'm sure you will be able to get on a boat to learn. Some of the best experiences is when I see people get to catch some fish they never have before. Keep looking on this forum as others, including myself, are in need of an extra hand to fill out a boat and share in expenses from time to time.

Good fishing,

Captian Keith Logan
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mattrimc, welcome aboard... What type of fish are looking to do?

Alll check your PM too.


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Thanks for your reply guys, Im looking to do some inshore, nearshore, blue water fishing, just about anything to get out in the water. Had a freedom boat membership out of southport a few years back and really enjoyed it, I bought a scout 209dorado this winter and am bringing it down this week. It's been about 4 years since I've ran a boat on the ocean or the intracoastal for that matter. I'm keen on learning as much as I can on all types of fishing. I've been on a few charters, but this summer is the first time that I can actually take some time off. Give me a call or text me if you would like someone to go fishing with out of the oak island area. Spilt gas bait whatever.
