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reds and flounder out of wrightville beach in the morning

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Logan Woodworth
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planning on putting the boat in at Wrightsville beach in the morning, anyone want to go out for a few and try to catch some flounder and reds, moved here recently and all I have done so far is offshore on most weekends and want to try some inshore, haven't caught a flounder or red in a long time nor know how or were to go, was hoping to find someone with a little knowledge to teach me a thing or two, pm me and I will get back to you asap, no time set yet but probably at boat ramp around 8-830 ish1002888_4725298508717_1831608194_n_171.jpg

walter wittneben
Estimable Member Registered
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Posts: 111

Hello SS, Sorry for late reply just got in if you want call me in am 910-352-5636 might be able to meet in am and help out some not sure of tides will check am.

Logan Woodworth
Estimable Member Registered
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hey man, sorry for not getting back with you this morning, I got your number, I ended up bringing my mom out and caught a few flounder and spaish, will let you know next time I got a spot
