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Wanting to go tommorrow possible 23 mile rock out of cb or masonboro.

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nic coptsias
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Anyone looking to go out masanboro or cb tomoorrow. Possible looking for kings cobia black bass etc. hopefully water will be decent enough to go out. If its not might stay in close.

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Go to 23 mile rock if you can. We started at schoolhouse on Friday due to weather. Decent bottom bite offshore of there. Moved to 23 mile rock and better water, lots of flyers. Caught a couple of slinger mahi and false albacore there in the only hour we fished there.

nic coptsias
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Thanks rdnkvet. Were u trolling with ballyhoo for dolphin .

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Thanks rdnkvet. Were u trolling with ballyhoo for dolphin .

Yes. Trolled cigar minnows at schoolhouse and only cudas. Used rest of cigar minnows on bottom fish. Used pirate plugs with ballyhoo at 23 mile area.

Logan Ennis
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We are headed to the 23 in the am, we will be on the 21 mako.

Jeremy Brown
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AND ---- HOW DID YOU DO BigNic???????????????????????

I wanna see some pictures!!!! :wtg:
