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Deer stands stolen in Rowland NC

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Guys, there is something you can do about dog hunters on your property. I used to bow hunt Orton Plantation game lands. One afternoon, while driving through my property, I came upon a group of dog hunters. I knew what they were doing, and they knew they were trespassing. I confronted them in civilized manner, wrote down a vehicle description & license plate number, and asked for their names. Much to my surprise, they actually gave me their real names. Who the heck names their kid "Bubba" anyway?

Long story short, I told them that I would press charges if I caught them on my property again. A few weeks later the Orton Plantation grounds manager caught them on my land. I called the local game warden, gave him the information, and he said he would take care of it. Well he never did (damn good ol boy network.) Apparently the game warden was friends with the trespassers. I had to call the game warden's boss, Sgt. Bill Lester, and explained my situation again. Finally the dog hunters were ticketed. They had to pay fines, court cost, and if they are caught on my property again they go to jail.

Dear Sir,

I was one of the people that gave you my name (Ricky Holden) when you were driving through YOUR property, we were on your precious land catching the dogs that were turned out on land we have permission to hunt behind Jabbertown Road 2 hours eariler. We did not cross any of YOUR gates as it is open on the back side. Generally when people give their names they usually have no ILL INTENT. Nobody cared to shoot the (5) Does and Yearlings they were running - If we had wanted to we would have killed them when they crossed the Sunny Point Road. Unfortunately we did not catch all the dogs when they crossed and they went to YOUR bowhunt paradise.

"Bubba" was not his given name - it is a nickname - His parents who are very well respected people that have lived in Southport all their lives and are GREAT people named him Kenneth (We named him Bubba) and I really dont appericiate your comments about him or his parents.

I will be sure to let the game warden know you feel like its a good ol boy network he is running and if you need to talk to me personally feel free to contact me or stop by 8094 River Road SE Southport any weekend I am home It's right on the way to your property.

By the way - great 2nd post.
Why would I care what you appreciate? Your happiness is not my responsibility. The fact still remains that you did cross a gate to get on to my property. It's the one on the power line that separates the county land from Sprunt's land. It was locked with a cable at one point in time. Unfortunately some renegade removed it. Even without the cable, the two posts clearly define the border between county and private land.

As much as I dislike dog hunters, I was willing to let the matter go. It wasn't until Randy caught the same group on the same piece of land that I decided to take action. I'm not sure if you were there the second time, but your well respected friend was very rude and hostile towards Randy. Honestly, what would you have done? How would you handle it if I showed up in your backyard with a bag of corn and a climbing stand? Not once, but twice. I asked Keith the same question in court. I think he got my point.

I'm not trying to start a pissing match. I just want y'all to understand that you were in the wrong. And if making fun of a silly nickname ruffles your feathers, then you need to grow some thicker skin. There are more serious things to get upset trespassing.

I see that you are a boat captain. If you would like to compensate me for my lost wages due to spending the day in court, I would gladly accept a free fishing charter.


(1) Did not tear down your gate

(2) trying to keep the dogs of 133 and not get killed

(3) your comment was about his parents naming him.

(4) As far as a fishing trip - Try hanging your climbing stand off one of the Tower Legs and fish all you want. Wink I'll gladly give you the ride out.

Sean Wayne
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A dog can't read a "No Trespassing" sign.

And if they're from Brunswick County, neither can the owner.


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Sounds like one of them fellas from up north or up state done moved down to the Southport area. Reminds me of what the Late Great Louis Grazzard said Feb of 93: "If y'all don't like Dixie, Delta is ready"

Maybe that should be changed to something like; If Yall don't like Southport Boys and Dog Hunters, Delta is Ready"

Dude I have hunted both with dogs, and from stands (bow and long gun) all my life. I would hell-of-a lot rather dog hunters get their dogs of my land and away from my food plots and stands than having the dogs run amuck all day and messing up my evening hunt. I have taken many a buck in the evening after dogs ran through my land in the morning or mid-day. In fact I have downed a few in front of a pack of dogs.

Ya might want to think about being nicer to people who trying to get these dumb dogs way from your property in the future. Else they might do to a still hunting property owner or lessee like I have seen in the past. They learn the person’s pattern and right after that person gets into his stand for that nice quite still hunt, a short time later they turn a few dogs lose to run amuck across that property. Then a little while later they do it again and again.

Bottom line is dog hunters aren’t going away, either learn to live with the dogs and people trying to catch-um up or you’re going to be a pissed off SOB the rest of your hunting life.

a. cantrell
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i have dealt with dog hunters before and it was frustrating. one thing i learned was to use them to your advantage. alot of deer are killed in front of the dogs be savy tree hunters. if possble take 2 guns, shotgun and rifle. dogs running deer, pick up shotty. think you can get a good shot pick up rifle.
in a perfect world we could all do as we please and not be bothered by anyone but as we have learned nothing is perfect. we all need to get along. we all like hunting and if we divide, as in banning one form of hunting, then other kinds of hunting will surely be next. we cant afford to be divided and conquered.

keep them barrels hot!

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InTheEye- While I'm not from Brunswick County both of my kids are. One is set to graduate from college in May after studying in Spain for a year-so not only can she read, she can read in two languages. My son is working towards his Eagle Scout rank and is a Honor Student so it appears to me that I know who the ignorant one is on this post.

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Bottom line is dog hunters aren’t going away, either learn to live with the dogs and people trying to catch-um up or you’re going to be a pissed off SOB the rest of your hunting life.

You ever been West of Sneeds Ferry? Talk to some of the fellas in Wake or Franklin county that used to be able to run dogs but now can't. It can go away and already has just 120 miles from here.

The reason they lost that right was because a few had the same viewpoint as you do on this issue. Trespassing on another mans land is no longer an accepted practice like it has been in the past. The area we live in is changing like it or not - that is the only thing that is not going away.

Be creative and adapt to the enviorment you hunt in. No one is saying we should ban dog hunting - just be smart enough to find a way to enjoy your sport and respect the rights of the property owners around you.

Your dog hunting brothers to the West did not adapt and they lost the battle.

Ed Massey
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Be creative and adapt to the enviorment you hunt in. No one is saying we should ban dog hunting - just be smart enough to find a way to enjoy your sport and respect the rights of the property owners around you.

Well said. Deer hunters need to stand together, but if we don't respect each other's rights, we have a problem.

charles holden
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This topic can be explained very easily and it doesn't have to do with still hunting or dog hunting. The fact that the stands were in Rowland NC that is in Robeson County explains it all.

Robeson county has more of everything when it comes to crime, drugs etc etc. The persons who stole these stands were neither concerned with still hunting or dog hunting. They were only out to steal, which is what goes on in Robeson county a lot.
BTW one of the game wardens in Robeson county is a former marine named Ray Harris. Ray is a super nice guy who takes his job very very seriously. Ray is by the book 100% and you would have to be a real fool to mess with him. ( honestly it will take a man like Ray to handle some of the idiots in Robeson Co but I'm pretty sure he can handle it) If you continue to have issues next season in that area I would suggest you contact Ray as I'm sure he'll be more than willing to help you out.

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