BTT Frying Pan Tower members: Please take a look at the photo below and keep an eye out for my Parker.....thanks for your assistance.
Good News, the Parker 23se has been recovered thanks to the Brunswick County Sheriff's Dept and the Ocean Isle Beach Police Dept. I sincerely thank all the Frying Pan Tower Members for their support and assistance.
Regards, Tim
Good News, the Parker 23se has been recovered thanks to the Brunswick County Sheriff's Dept and the Ocean Isle Beach Police Dept. I sincerely thank all the Frying Pan Tower Members for their support and assistance.
Regards, Tim
Good News, the Parker 23se has been recovered thanks to the Brunswick County Sheriff's Dept and the Ocean Isle Beach Police Dept. I sincerely thank all the Frying Pan Tower Members for their support and assistance.
Regards, Tim
congratz please give details
Did they catch they guys who did it?
The boat was found in the same condition as before it was taken with the exception of an antennae and bracket and a navigational light too. Less than a couple of hundred dollars to repair to return to its original condition. I was very lucky. Thanks for your concern. Regards, Tim