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Theft is rampant in Wilm.

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Late posting

as if my 2 earlier post regarding theft weren't enough....

came home last week(friday) mid-morning & found some 30 unmarked cars w/ lights in my driveway & road front, compete w/ news crew.
Apparently a forced entry w/hostages occured up off Rockhill rd & they fled only to be stopped in my driveway! as they ran down the driveway & across my neighbors yard (w/ her on the back porch) breaking in houses to hide in their flee attempt.
ALOT of Drama for several hrs.....

Reason I write? Guys/Girls I move all across our area daily, talking w/ bunches of people. Protect yourselves & keep an eye out around ya....
The "press & powers" DO NOT want you to know just how much crime goes on.

John Rakoci
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Of course they do not want people to know what goes on around them. Bad for business (except gun shops) and frightens tourists away. Myrtle Beach drugs and crime is rampant-- but little is in the news. Not enough police in all od SC to fix MB.
