AGENCY: Department of Marine Resources

CHAPTER NUMBER AND TITLE: Chapter 45.05 Shrimp Season Closure Proposed Regulations


(Leave blank – Assigned by Secretary of State) 



On December 7, 2015, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Northern Shrimp Section approved a moratorium for the 2015-2016 shrimp fishery. This action was taken in response to the findings of the 2015 Stock Status Report, indicating current fishable biomass is the lowest on record. The Northern Shrimp Technical Committee (NSTC) evaluated a suite of indicators including fishery performance, survey indices of abundance and biomass, and environmental conditions. Despite the marginal increase in the recruitment index in 2014, the population continues to meet the criteria defining a collapsed stock. For these reasons, the Department enacted emergency rule-making to prevent the taking of shrimp. This rule-making would make the emergency rule-making permanent.







Hearing facilities:

None Scheduled Friday, March 4, 2016

Hannah Dean

Department of Marine Resources

21 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0021 ha*********@ma***.gov

(207) 624-6573

(207) 624-6024

(711) Maine Relay (Deaf/Hard of Hearing)

If you require accommodations due to disability, please contact Amanda Beckwith, at (207) 287-7578.


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45.05 Shrimp season

1. Shrimp Season 2013

A. Harvest and transport (1) Closed Season.

There is no season for shrimp.

It shall be is unlawful to fish for, or take by any method, or to land, ship, transport, sell or possess any shrimp harvested from Maine’s coastal waters. except during the period from December 1 through May 31 of any year.

(2) FishingSeason

(a) It is unlawful for any person or vessel to fish for, take, land, transport or to have in possession any Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) except as specified in this section:

Individuals may participate in either the trap or trawl fishery but cannot land shrimp with more than one gear type in the season. Participation in the fishery (i.e. landing shrimp) with one gear type forfeits an individual the opportunity to land with the other gear type for the remainder of the shrimp fishing season.

Trawl Fishery: The total allowable catch for trawl vessels is 539.02 metric tons. The season shall open January 22, 2013 and vessels are prohibited from fishing for and/or landing shrimp on any day other than Mondays and Wednesdays. On authorized trawl fishing days, it shall be lawful to fish for or take shrimp between sunrise (as defined in 12 M.R.S. § 6001(45)) and 1100 hours. Shrimp fishing must be stopped and nets secured no later than 1100 hours on such authorized trawl fishing days. Vessels are prohibited from landing shrimp more than once per calendar day and there is no daily trip limit for trawl vessels. Notwithstanding Chapter 45.05(1)(A)(1) above, the season will end at any time when the ASMFC Northern Shrimp Section (Section) has determined that 85% of the 539.02 metric ton catch level for the trawl fishery has been reached.

Trap Fishery: The total allowable catch for trappers is 80.54 metric tons. Vessels may set baited traps beginning 0001 hours on February 3, 2013 but may not haul or land shrimp until 0001 hours February 5, 2013 when the trap season opens. Vessels are prohibited from hauling and or/landing shrimp on any day other than Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Vessels are prohibited from landing more than 800 lb. per calendar day. Notwithstanding Chapter 45.05(1)(A)(1) above, the Northern shrimp trap season will end at any time when the Section has determined that 85% of the total 80.54 metric tons catch level for the trap fishery has been reached.

The Commissioner may implement additional adjustments to the effort control measures (days out, trip limits, time limits, trap limits, etc.) based upon pre-season research surveys and updated landings information. License holders shall be informed by public notice in a statewide newspaper

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of general circulation regarding the season end date or adjustments to effort controls.

(b) Shrimp traps must be removed from the water no later than 5 days after the season is closed and no shrimp may be retained from traps hauled after the close of the season.

(c) On non-landing days, it is unlawful to fish for or land any shrimp during the entire 24 hour day; and it shall be prima facie evidence that any shrimp landed or possessed by harvesters during that period were taken during a closed day.

(d) It shall be unlawful to cull, grade, separate or shake shrimp, aboard any vessel, except by implements operated solely by hand. It is illegal to possess, aboard any vessel, any powered mechanical device used to cull, grade, separate or shake shrimp.

(3) (2) Exception;

Any shrimp may be possessed, transported or sold during the closed periods or seasons by dealers provided the shrimp were legally obtained and the dealer is properly permitted or licensed to engage in that activity.

B. Processing

It shall be unlawful to process shrimp in Maine except during the fishing season established in Chapter 45.05(1)(A)(2)(1).

  1. (1)  Exception.

    A processor may process shrimp outside of the fishing season established in Chapter 45.05(1)(A)(2)(1)upon obtaining a permit from the Maine Department of Marine Resources.

  2. (2)  Documentation.

    The Department of Marine Resources shall issue a permit to a shrimp processor for processing of shrimp outside of the fishing season established in Chapter 45.05(1)(A) )(2)(1)if that processor produces documented evidence proving that the shrimp to be processed were lawfully harvested.

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Rule-Making Fact Sheet

(5 M.R.S.A., §8057-A)

Rule-Making Fact Sheet (5 M.R.S., §8057-A)

AGENCY: Department of Marine Resources


Hannah Dean, Department of Marine Resources, 21 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0021 Telephone: (207) 624-6573; E-mail: dm************@ma***.gov; web address:

CHAPTER NUMBER AND RULE: Chapter 45.05 Shrimp Season Closure Proposed Regulations STATUTORY AUTHORITY: 12 M.R.S. §6171


COMMENT DEADLINE: Friday, March 4, 2016


In November 2014, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC)’s Northern Shrimp Section approved a moratorium for the 2015 commercial fishery in response to the 2014 Stock Status Report, indicating record low fishable biomass.

On December 7, 2015, the Section met to review the 2015 stock status update, receive Advisory Panel input, and set fishery specifications for the 2016 fishing season. In developing the 2015 stock status update, the Northern Shrimp Technical Committee (NSTC) evaluated a suite of indicators including fishery performance, survey indices of abundance and biomass, and environmental conditions. Abundance and biomass indices for 20122015 were the lowest on record of the thirty-two year time series. Recruitment indices for the 20102014 year classes were also well below average, and included the three smallest year classes on record. As a result, the indices of fishable biomass from 20132015 are the lowest on record. The recruitment index increased slightly in the 2014 survey (2013 year class), however, in 2015 the index dropped to the lowest in the time series. Recruits of the 2013 and 2014 year classes are not expected to reach exploitable size until 2017 and 2018, respectively. Despite the marginal increase in the recruitment index in 2014, the population continues to meet the criteria defining a collapsed stock.

At the December 7th meeting, a motion was passed to approve a moratorium for the 2016 shrimp fishery.

For these reasons, the Department enacted emergency rule-making to prevent the taking of shrimp. This rule-making would make the emergency rule-making permanent.


The expected operation of the rule is to close the shrimp fishery for the 2015-2016 season, to prevent any removal of the resource and provide for the greatest opportunity for recovery of the stock.


Enforcement of the proposed regulation would not require measurable additional activity in this Agency. Existing enforcement personnel would monitor compliance during their routine patrols. 

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Introducing the New NAVCEN Maritime Safety Information Application!

Dear Users of the Marine Transportation System,

We’re excited to announce the launch of the U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center’s new Maritime Safety Information (MSI) Application! This enhanced platform is designed to improve your access to critical navigation safety information, including Local Notices to Mariners (LNM) and Light Lists.

Key Features of the New MSI Application:
• Near-Real-Time Updates: Stay informed with the latest changes and updates.
• GIS Display: Visualize navigation information directly on an interactive map.
• Customizable Searches: Narrow your searches to focus on specific waterways or regions of interest.

The application is available now and ready to support safer, more efficient maritime operations.

Access the New MSI Application:
Click HERE to explore the platform and take advantage of its features.

We’re committed to ensuring mariners have the tools and information they need to navigate safely and effectively. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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NAVCEN’s Upgraded LNM & Light List Application Launching the Week of December 2nd

During the week of December 2nd, the U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center (NAVCEN) will launch its updated Local Notice to Mariners (LNM) and Light List application.  The application will feature GIS-based tools, customizable downloads, and GeoJSON integration for enhanced maritime safety information. 

The U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center (NAVCEN) is excited to announce the launch of its updated Local Notice to Mariners (LNM) and Light List application during the week of December 2nd, reaffirming our commitment to enhancing access to critical maritime safety information.

This upgraded application allows users to download and print LNMs for entire Coast Guard Districts or define their own area of interest using the GIS tools to zoom in and access localized data.  The form section enables users to organize and sort LNMs by waterway or category. For programmatic integration, GeoJSON files will be available to download for data ingestion into other applications.

We sincerely appreciate your patience and are confident this enhanced version will better serve the diverse needs of the maritime community.

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Notice: Changes to the USCG Local Notice to Mariners (LNM) and Light Lists

Notice: Changes to the USCG Local Notice to Mariners (LNM) and Light Lists
The U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center announces upcoming changes to the Local Notice
to Mariners (LNM) and the Light List, as part of our efforts to modernize and improve the
accessibility, accuracy, and overall user experience for mariners and other stakeholders.

What Is Changing?

1. Transition From Paper Charts: In January 2025, NOAA will discontinue the production
of all paper charts. In alignment with this change, the Coast Guard will transition from
using NOAA Paper Chart Numbers and Editions/Dates for disseminating Marine Safety
Information (MSI) to using Official Waterway Names.

2. How You Will Access LNMs and Light Lists: The LNM and Light List data will now be
available in a geospatial format, which will allow you to visualize information interactively
on a map/chart. You can use your mouse wheel or the +/- buttons in the upper left portion
of the screen to zoom in or out and navigate to your desired area on the map/chart. Once
the area is displayed, you can generate a PDF of the LNM or Light List for that specific area,
which you can then save and/or print. Alternatively, you can use a fillable form on our
website to select your waterway by name from the Light List and generate the LNM or Light

3. LNM and Light List Data Refresh Rate: LNM data will be refreshed every fifteen
minutes. Light List data will be refreshed every 24 hours. This will give you a much more up-to-
date operating picture, designed to enhance your efficiency and improve safety in your
area of transit or planned routes.

4. Elimination of Weekly Files: Weekly LNMs, Weekly Light List Correction Files, Daily
Discrepancy Files, and the Summary of Light List Changes will no longer be published to
focus on providing the most up-to-date and accessible format. In the near future, we will
also publish an Application Programming Interface (API) for interested parties to access the
data externally.

Why Are These Changes Being Made?
The modernization of MSI delivery is designed to improve the U.S. Coast Guard’s aid-to-navigation
data management and dissemination capabilities. By providing frequent
updates, geospatial visualization, and digital access, we hope to achieve our goals of:
Enhancing Maritime Safety: By delivering the most current and precise information,
mariners can make better-informed decisions, reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring
safer navigation.
Improving Accessibility: The shift to geospatial visualization makes it easier for all users,
from commercial mariners to recreational boaters, to stay informed.
Increasing Efficiency: The integration of LNM and Light List data into a geospatial format
to simplify the gathering of safety information and facilitate easy route planning.
When Will These Changes Take Effect?
The transition to the modernized LNM and Light List platform (the Navigation Center
website) will be completed by Monday, October 21st.
How to Access the New Features?
Starting October 21st, 2024, you will be able to access the updated Local Notice to
Mariners (LNM) and Light List through the NAVCEN website, with a User Guide available to
assist you. While legacy versions of these products will no longer be produced or posted
after October 31st, previously available versions will remain accessible for download
indefinitely. Additionally, users can now generate updated LNMs in real time, with data
refreshed every 15 minutes.

For any questions or assistance, please visit our Contact Us page, select ‘LNMs or Light
Lists’ from the Subject dropdown, and submit your inquiry.

Thank you for your continued support as we work to enhance the safety and efficiency of
maritime navigation.

U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center (

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LNM/Light List Application Delay

Good Day,

Availability of the modernized Local Notices to Mariners (LNMs) and Light List (LL) application will be delayed beyond the scheduled 30 September 2024 launch date as a result of Hurricane Helene.

The following legacy products will remain available on the NAVCEN website until 31 October to ensure customers maintain uninterrupted access to MSI products during the transition:

  • Weekly Local Notices to Mariners (pdf)
  • Light Lists (pdf)
  • Daily LNM Discrepancies and Temporary Changes (XML)
  • Weekly Light List files (PDF, XML)

We are working diligently to reschedule the application’s launch and will provide an update with the new release date as soon as it becomes available. 

For questions or comments, you may contact us via our contact us page (please select “LNMs or Light Lists” from the Subject pull-down menu).

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. 

Navigation Center
U.S. Coast Guard

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Notice: Changes to the USCG Local Notice to Mariners (LNM) and Light Lists

Notice: Changes to the USCG Local Notice to Mariners (LNM) and Light Lists

The U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center announces upcoming changes to the Local Notice to Mariners (LNM) and the Light List, as part of our efforts to modernize and improve the accessibility, accuracy, and overall user experience for mariners and other stakeholders.

What Is Changing?

  1. Transition From Paper Charts: In January 2025, NOAA will discontinue the production of all paper charts. In alignment with this change, the Coast Guard will transition from using NOAA Paper Chart Numbers and Editions/Dates for disseminating Marine Safety Information (MSI) to using Official Waterway Names.
  2. How You Will Access LNMs and Light Lists: The LNM and Light List data will now be available in a geospatial format, which will allow you to visualize information interactively on a map/chart. You can use your mouse wheel or the +/- buttons in the upper left portion of the screen to zoom in or out and navigate to your desired area on the map/chart. Once the area is displayed, you can generate a PDF of the LNM or Light List for that specific area, which you can then save and/or print. Alternatively, you can use a fillable form on our website to select your waterway by name from the Light List and generate the LNM or Light List.
  3. LNM and Light List Data Refresh Rate: LNM data will be refreshed every fifteen minutes.  Light List data will be refreshed every 24 hours.  This will give you a much more up-to-date operating picture, designed to enhance your efficiency and improve safety in your area of transit or planned routes.
  4. Elimination of Weekly Files: Weekly LNMs, Weekly Light List Correction Files, Daily Discrepancy Files, and the Summary of Light List Changes will no longer be published to focus on providing the most up-to-date and accessible format. In the near future, we will also publish an Application Programming Interface (API) for interested parties to access the data externally.

Why Are These Changes Being Made?

The modernization of MSI delivery is designed to improve the U.S. Coast Guard’s aid-to-navigation data management and dissemination capabilities. By providing frequent updates, geospatial visualization, and digital access, we hope to achieve our goals of:

  • Enhancing Maritime Safety: By delivering the most current and precise information, mariners can make better-informed decisions, reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring safer navigation.
  • Improving Accessibility: The shift to geospatial visualization makes it easier for all users, from commercial mariners to recreational boaters, to stay informed.
  • Increasing Efficiency: The integration of LNM and Light List data into a geospatial format to simplify the gathering of safety information and facilitate easy route planning.



When Will These Changes Take Effect?

The transition to the modernized LNM and Light List platform (the Navigation Center website) will be completed by Monday, September 30th.

How to Access the New Features?

Starting on September 30th, 2024, you will be able to access the updated LNM and Light List through the NAVCEN website. A User Guide will be available on the NAVCEN website. Customers will still have the ability to download legacy versions of these products until October 21st.

For any questions or assistance, please visit our Contact Us Page, select ‘LNMs or Light Lists’ from the Subject dropdown, and submit your inquiry.

Thank you for your continued support as we work to improve the safety and efficiency of maritime navigation.

U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center (

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Navigation Center Website Survey Request

We are eager to understand the primary reason for your visit to the Navigation Center website and how you use it, whether for recreational boating, professional purposes, data requests, educational reasons, or otherwise. Your feedback on the website’s ease of use, ability to find information, and if it’s your primary source for navigation-related information is crucial. We are committed to improving your experience and welcome any suggestions to enhance the site’s usability, information accessibility, and overall efficiency. Your insights are invaluable in helping us better meet your navigation needs.


Survey: Navigation Center Website Feedback Survey (





U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center Website Customer Feedback Survey Privacy Notice

Authority: 14 U.S.C. §504; 14 U.S.C §505; and Executive Order 12862.

Purpose: To collect data that will be used to analyze and determine the kind and quality of services customers want and expect, as well as their satisfaction with U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center services. To maintain confidentiality, respondents are advised not to include any personally identifiable information in their responses.

Routine Uses: This survey solicits information that the Coast Guard will use to gauge feedback and improve overall customer service. DHS/ALL/PIA-069 DHS Surveys, Interviews, and Focus Groups provides coverage for this collection.

Disclosure: Furnishing this information is strictly voluntary

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Navigation Center Website Survey Request

We are eager to understand the primary reason for your visit to the Navigation Center website and how you use it, whether for recreational boating, professional purposes, data requests, educational reasons, or otherwise. Your feedback on the website’s ease of use, ability to find information, and if it’s your primary source for navigation-related information is crucial. We are committed to improving your experience and welcome any suggestions to enhance the site’s usability, information accessibility, and overall efficiency. Your insights are invaluable in helping us better meet your navigation needs.


Survey: Navigation Center Website Feedback Survey (





U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center Website Customer Feedback Survey Privacy Notice

Authority: 14 U.S.C. §504; 14 U.S.C §505; and Executive Order 12862.

Purpose: To collect data that will be used to analyze and determine the kind and quality of services customers want and expect, as well as their satisfaction with U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center services. To maintain confidentiality, respondents are advised not to include any personally identifiable information in their responses.

Routine Uses: This survey solicits information that the Coast Guard will use to gauge feedback and improve overall customer service. DHS/ALL/PIA-069 DHS Surveys, Interviews, and Focus Groups provides coverage for this collection.

Disclosure: Furnishing this information is strictly voluntary

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Navigation Center Website Survey Request

We are eager to understand the primary reason for your visit to the Navigation Center website and how you use it, whether for recreational boating, professional purposes, data requests, educational reasons, or otherwise. Your feedback on the website’s ease of use, ability to find information, and if it’s your primary source for navigation-related information is crucial. We are committed to improving your experience and welcome any suggestions to enhance the site’s usability, information accessibility, and overall efficiency. Your insights are invaluable in helping us better meet your navigation needs.


Survey: Navigation Center Website Feedback Survey (





U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center Website Customer Feedback Survey Privacy Notice

Authority: 14 U.S.C. §504; 14 U.S.C §505; and Executive Order 12862.

Purpose: To collect data that will be used to analyze and determine the kind and quality of services customers want and expect, as well as their satisfaction with U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center services. To maintain confidentiality, respondents are advised not to include any personally identifiable information in their responses.

Routine Uses: This survey solicits information that the Coast Guard will use to gauge feedback and improve overall customer service. DHS/ALL/PIA-069 DHS Surveys, Interviews, and Focus Groups provides coverage for this collection.

Disclosure: Furnishing this information is strictly voluntary

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Navigation Center Website Survey Request

We are eager to understand the primary reason for your visit to the Navigation Center website and how you use it, whether for recreational boating, professional purposes, data requests, educational reasons, or otherwise. Your feedback on the website’s ease of use, ability to find information, and if it’s your primary source for navigation-related information is crucial. We are committed to improving your experience and welcome any suggestions to enhance the site’s usability, information accessibility, and overall efficiency. Your insights are invaluable in helping us better meet your navigation needs.


Survey: Navigation Center Website Feedback Survey (





U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center Website Customer Feedback Survey Privacy Notice

Authority: 14 U.S.C. §504; 14 U.S.C §505; and Executive Order 12862.

Purpose: To collect data that will be used to analyze and determine the kind and quality of services customers want and expect, as well as their satisfaction with U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center services. To maintain confidentiality, respondents are advised not to include any personally identifiable information in their responses.

Routine Uses: This survey solicits information that the Coast Guard will use to gauge feedback and improve overall customer service. DHS/ALL/PIA-069 DHS Surveys, Interviews, and Focus Groups provides coverage for this collection.

Disclosure: Furnishing this information is strictly voluntary

Read More

Navigation Center Website Survey Request

We are eager to understand the primary reason for your visit to the Navigation Center website and how you use it, whether for recreational boating, professional purposes, data requests, educational reasons, or otherwise. Your feedback on the website’s ease of use, ability to find information, and if it’s your primary source for navigation-related information is crucial. We are committed to improving your experience and welcome any suggestions to enhance the site’s usability, information accessibility, and overall efficiency. Your insights are invaluable in helping us better meet your navigation needs.


Survey: Navigation Center Website Feedback Survey (





U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center Website Customer Feedback Survey Privacy Notice

Authority: 14 U.S.C. §504; 14 U.S.C §505; and Executive Order 12862.

Purpose: To collect data that will be used to analyze and determine the kind and quality of services customers want and expect, as well as their satisfaction with U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center services. To maintain confidentiality, respondents are advised not to include any personally identifiable information in their responses.

Routine Uses: This survey solicits information that the Coast Guard will use to gauge feedback and improve overall customer service. DHS/ALL/PIA-069 DHS Surveys, Interviews, and Focus Groups provides coverage for this collection.

Disclosure: Furnishing this information is strictly voluntary

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