Economic questions added to MRFSS Beginning in January, every fisherman who is interviewed dockside by the Marine Recreational Fisheries Statistical Survey (MRFSS) will receive a series of questions about the money they spent on that trip. They will also be asked to participate in a longer follow-up mail survey that collects information on annual expenditures and durable goods, like boats, trailers, rods and reels. When completed, these data will allow NOAA Fisheries to estimate daily expenditures by fishing mode (i.e. private boat, charter, shore) and resident type (resident and non-resident). These expenditure estimates are then used to estimate the economic impacts of saltwater recreational fishing. Economic impacts demonstrate the importance of your sport and help managers make decisions to make your fishing better. The last time this survey was conducted in 2000, US saltwater fishermen spent $22.6 billion generating an economic impact of over $30.5 billion and supporting 350,000 jobs, not including Texas, Alaska, and Hawaii. Full results of the previous expenditure survey are available at If you have any further questions, please contact
Economic questions added to MRFSS
Beginning in January, every fisherman who is interviewed dockside by the Marine Recreational Fisheries Statistical Survey (MRFSS) will receive a series of questions about the money they spent on that trip. They will also be asked to participate in a longer follow-up mail survey that collects information on annual expenditures and durable goods, like boats, trailers, rods and reels. When completed, these data will allow NOAA Fisheries to estimate daily expenditures by fishing mode (i.e. private boat, charter, shore) and resident type (resident and non-resident). These expenditure estimates are then used to estimate the economic impacts of saltwater recreational fishing. Economic impacts demonstrate the importance of your sport and help managers make decisions to make your fishing better. The last time this survey was conducted in 2000, US saltwater fishermen spent $22.6 billion generating an economic impact of over $30.5 billion and supporting 350,000 jobs, not including Texas, Alaska, and Hawaii. Full results of the previous expenditure survey are available at If you have any further questions, please contact
Brad Gentner ( 301.713.2328 ext. 215).