Oculina Comment Periods Open.
NMFS issues this proposed rule to implement Amendment 13A to the Fishery Management Plan for the Snapper-Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic Region. This rule would extend the current prohibitions on fishing for South Atlantic snapper-grouper in the experimental closed area and on retaining such species in or from the area. The experimental closed area constitutes a portion of the Oculina Bank Habitat Area of Particular Concern, which is in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the Atlantic Ocean off Ft. Pierce, FL.DATES: Written comments on this proposed rule must be received no later than 5 p.m., eastern time, on January 9, 2004.
ADDRESSES: Written comments on the proposed rule should be sent to Julie Weeder, Southeast Regional Office, NMFS, 9721 Executive Center Drive N., St. Petersburg, FL 33702. Comments also may be sent via fax to (727) 570-5583. Comments will not be accepted if submitted via e-mail or Internet.
NMFS, a Regulatory Impact Review, and
a Social Impact Assessment/Fishery
Impact Statement.
Written comments on the proposed
rule must be sent to Julie Weeder,
Southeast Regional Office, NMFS, 9721
Executive Center Drive N., St.
Petersburg, FL 33702. Comments also
may be sent via fax to 727–570–5583.
Comments will not be accepted if
submitted via e-mail or Internet.
Weeder, telephone: 727–570–5753, fax:
727–570–5583, e-mail:
snapper-grouper fishery off the southern
Atlantic states is managed under the
FMP. The FMP was prepared by the
South Atlantic Fishery Management
Council (Council) and is implemented
under the authority of the Magnuson-
Stevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens
Act) by regulations at 50 CFR part 622.
In Amendment 6 to the FMP the
Council proposed prohibitions on
fishing for South Atlantic snappergrouper
in what is currently known as
the experimental closed area and on
retaining such species in or from the
area. NMFS approved these
prohibitions, and they became effective
June 27, 1994 (59 FR27242, May 26,
1994). In the experimental closed area,any South Atlantic snapper-grouper
taken incidentally by hook-and-line gear
must be released immediately by cutting
the line without removing the fish from
the water.
The experimental closed area is
slightly less than 92 square nautical
miles in the EEZ offshore from Ft. Pierce
to Sebastian Inlet, FL. The geographical
coordinates are specified at 50 CFR
622.35(c)(2). The experimental closed
area constitutes a portion of the
southern part of the Oculina Bank
HAPC. In the entire HAPC no person
may: (1) Use a bottom longline, bottom
trawl, dredge, pot, or trap; (2) if aboard
a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor
and chain, or use a grapple and chain;
or (3) fish for rock shrimp or possess
rock shrimp in or from the area on board
a fishing vessel.
Both the proposed and final rules for
Amendment 6 stated that the measures
applicable to the experimental closed
area ’’… will ‘‘sunset’’ after 10 years if
not reauthorized by the Council.’’(59 FR
9721, March 1, 1994 and 59 FR 27242,
May 26, 1994, respectively).
As stated above, measures applicable
to the experimental closed area were
intended to enhance stock stability and
increase recruitment of South Atlantic
snapper-grouper by providing an area
where deepwater snapper-grouper
species could grow and reproduce
without being subjected to fishing
mortality. They were based on the
Council’s concern that traditional
fishery management measures, such as
minimum size limits and quotas, might
not be sufficient to protect fully the
snapper-grouper resources. The Council
believed the measures would provide
protection for overfished species in the
management unit while minimizing
adverse impacts upon user groups.
Based on limited information, there
appear to be some encouraging signs of
positive biological impacts from the
initial 9–year prohibition of fishing for
snapper grouper species within the
experimental closed area since it was
established in 1994. A study conducted
in 2001 found that, in the few areas
where habitat remained intact, there
were more and larger groupers
thanobserved in a 1995 study, and male
gag and scamp were also common. The
observation of male gag and scamp is
particularly of interest because size, age,
and proportion of males of these species
have declined both in the Gulf of
Mexico and South Atlantic regions.
Other encouraging signs include
theobservation of juvenile speckled
hind, which is a candidate species for
listing under the Endangered Species
Act. However, species in themanagement unit remain overfished and
continued protection is required.
Proposed Actions
Amendment 13A proposes to
continue the current measures
applicable to the experimental closed
area indefinitely. Those measures at 50
CFR 622(c)(2) read as follows:
‘‘(2) Experimental closed area. Within the
Oculina Bank HAPC, the experimental closed
area is bounded on the north by 27°53′ N.
lat., on the south by 27°30′ N. lat., on the east
by 79°56′ W. long., and on the west by 80°00′
W. long. No person may fish for South
Atlantic snapper-grouper in the experimental
closedarea, and no person may retain South
Atlantic snapper-grouper in or from the area.
In the experimental closed area, any South
Atlantic snapper-grouper taken incidentally
by hook-and-line gear must be released
immediately by cutting the line without
removing the fish from the water.’’
The Council would review the
configuration and size of the
experimental closed area within 3 years
of the publication date of the final rule
that would implement Amendment 13A
and would re-evaluate all measures
applicable to the area after 10 years. The
Council believes these actions provide
the most biological, social, and
economic benefits while allowing for
adaptive management. Extending the
prohibition on fishing for snappergrouper
species in the experimental
closed area for an indefinite period will
continue to protect snapper-grouper
populations and protect Oculina coral
and associated habitat. Such extension
will also provide a hedge against the
high degree of scientific uncertainty
associated with the status of snappergrouper
species and reduce the
possibility that these populations may
fall below sustainable levels.
Economically it is expected that the
long-term benefits, such as ‘‘insurance’’
against the uncertainty of stock
assessments and the non-use benefits of
extending the prohibitions on snappergrouper
fishing in the closed area,
outweigh the short-term benefits of
opening the area to harvest. These
measures are also expected to provide
the most long-term positive social
impacts because they allow for adaptive
management which can be seen as an
assurance to the public that the area will
be monitored and reviewed. Should the
Council find after the 3–year review on
size and configuration that the
boundaries of the area are not
appropriate, they can be changed at that
time. In addition, the 10–year reevaluation
period will assure the public
that the area will not be closed and
forgotten.Availability of Amendment 13A
Additional background and rationale
for the measures discussed above are
contained in Amendment 13A. The
availability of Amendment 13A was
announced in the Federal Register on
November 4, 2003, (68 FR 62422).
Written comments on Amendment 13A
must be received by January 5, 2004. All
comments received on Amendment 13A
or on this proposed rule during their
respective comment periods will be
addressed in the preamble to the final
At this time, NMFS has not
determined that Amendment 13A is
consistent with the national standards
of the Magnuson-Stevens Act and other
applicable laws. NMFS, in making that
determination, will take into account
the data, views, andcomments received
during the comment period on
Amendment 13A.
This proposed rule has been
determined to be not significant for
purposes of E.O. 12866.
The Council prepared, and NMFS
supplemented, an IRFA, based on the
RIR, that describes the economic
impacts that this proposed rule, if
adopted, would have on small business
entities. A summary of the IRFA
Amendment 6 to the Snapper-Grouper
Fishery Management Plan, implemented
in May 1994, established a harvest
prohibition for snapper-grouper species
in the Oculina Experimental Closed
Area. This prohibition is scheduled to
sunset in June 2004. The proposed rule
would extend the prohibition for an
indefinite period of time for the purpose
of providing continued protection of
snapper-grouper species, thereby
reducing the possibility that these
populations may fall below sustainable
levels. Further, by restricting the ability
to harvest fish from the area, the
proposed rule is also expected to
provide protection to the Oculina coral
in the area. The Magnuson-Stevens Act,
as amended, provides the statutory basis
for the proposed rule.
No duplicative, overlapping, or
conflicting Federal rules have been
identified. The proposed rule does not
impose any reporting or record keeping
There are two general classes of small
entities that would be directly affected
by the proposed rule, commercial
fishing vessels and for-hire fishing
vessels. The Small Business
Administration defines a small business
that engages in commercial fishing as a
firm that is independently owned and
operated, is not dominant in its field of
operation, and hasannual receipts up to
$3.5 million per year. The revenue
benchmark for a small business that
engages in for-hire fishing is a firm that
has annual receipts up to $6.0 million
per year. There were 1,174 commercial
vessels that participated in the snappergrouper
fishery in the South Atlantic
during 2002. Of these vessels, 120 were
homeported in the area of interest,
where the ‘‘area of interest’’ is defined
as those home port locations on the
Florida Atlantic coast from Cape
Canaveral south to West Palm Beach
and are in the closest geographic
proximity to the area covered by the
proposed rule. Commercial vessels
operating in the snapper-grouper fishery
in this area are estimated to have
average annual gross and net incomes of
approximately $39,745 and $12,388,
respectively. Based on this income
profile, it is assumed that all
commercial fishing entities that would
be affected by the proposed rule are
small entities.
For the for-hire sector, 1,221 snappergrouper
for-hire permits were issued to
vessels in the southern Atlantic states in
2002. Of this total, 94 permits were
issued to for-hire vessels in the area of
interest. These vessels comprise two
types of business operations,
charterboats, which are smaller vessels
(6 or fewer passengers) that book trips
on a vessel basis, andheadboats, which
are larger vessels that book passage on
an individual angler basis. The average
gross and net revenues in 1997 for
charterboats operating off the Atlantic
coast of Florida are estimated at $57,000
and $15,000 (2001 dollars), while that of
headboats are estimated at $155,000 and
$69,000 (2001dollars). Based on these
gross revenue profiles, all for-hire
vessels that would be affected by the
proposed rule are assumed to be small
The number of commercial and forhire
vessels that would fish in the
closed area should the area reopen after
sunset of the current rule is not known.
However, all entities in the area of
interest have the potential to enter the
area. Since all such entities would be
covered by the proposed rule and all
said entities are small entities, it is
concluded that a substantial number of
small entities would be affected by the
proposed rule. An IRFA was prepared to
analyze the expected impacts on small
entities. The proposed rule extending
harvest prohibition for an indefinite
period would not alter present fishing
practices. Therefore, it would not affect
the profitability of identified vessels.
However, if there are any speculative
decisions about the sunset of the
existing rule in June 2004, there could
be some reduction in future speculative
earnings. The public is invited to
comment and to provide any
information that would enable NMFS to
identify and assess any future potential
economic impacts that could result from
the proposed rule.
Five alternatives to the proposed rule
were considered. One alternative differs
from the proposed rule only in that it
lacks a specific schedule for reevaluation
of the rule. Three alternatives
also lack a re-evaluation schedule and
differ from the proposed rule in the
duration of the prohibition. No impacts
have been identified associated with the
presence or absence ofa prescribed reevaluation
schedule. These four
alternatives, therefore, are expected to
have the same effect on the affected
entities as the proposed rule, and none
would adversely affect current
profitability but would, instead,
eliminate potential increased short-term
profits that might be derived from
fishing activity directed into the
Oculina area, should sunset occur. The
fifth alternative, the no-action
alternative, would allow forsunset of the
prohibition and fishing in the area to
occur. This alternative would, therefore,
allow these potential short-term
increases in profits to occur. However,
if snapper-grouper populations become
depleted as a result of directed effort
insidethe area, the short-term gains
would dissipate. Further, these potential
short-term profits are not believed to be
greater than the benefits that would
accrue to continued protection of the
resource and area. These benefits are
expected to exceed potential short-term
profits no matter how long the
prohibition continues. The proposed
rule, therefore, would best suit
management needs and meet the
Council’s intent.
Changes to Regulatory Text
If approved, the measures in
Amendment 13A would continue in
effect in the current regulations.
Accordingly, this proposed rule
contains no changes to regulatory text.
If Amendment 13A is disapproved, the
regulatory text at 50 CFR 622.35(c)(2)
would be removed effective June 27,
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: November 19, 2003.
Rebecca Lent,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for
Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 03–29444 Filed 11–24–03; 8:45 am]