That my friend, is a spotted hake. (Urophycis regia) They are found from maine to florida and are quite common bycatch in trawlers and traps but rare to catch on hook and line.
I haven't seen any of those in years but I used to catch them regularly surf fishing at Hatteras
They were thick on the beach yesterday
Thats actually good news to hear! They are a schooling fish which is probably why you got in to them so thick. Thats also a reason they are commercially important. However, that is also why pops have dwindled over the last 6 years. You dont just scoop up a few in the net, you scoop up the whole school. They are found out to the big water too meaning greather than 1000'. This translates to them being EXCELLENT grouper bait as they occur naturally where the grouper live!
Ya'll continue to impress me and usually amaze me on SWC. Thank you.
I've only ever caught one of those ( was a hake of some sorts) down here in NC...on a march fishing trip on the Capt Stacy from MHC (think we headed up off Core Banks to fish).
Delicious eating.