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[Sticky] NEW Stolen Goods Forum...

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We have seen time and time again Fishing stuff being Stolen along the NC coast. Help put a stop to it and Post your Stolen Stuff Here!!

Let's make this the Defacto Stolen Fishing/Boating Gear List in NC.


Jake Marsh
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..Seem like a good idea.. It'd sure be nice to have a good comprehensive source for such listings so ya ain't gotta go diggin around to find the thread.. And pics'd be a great help.!!

..How about boating related items that have been stolen.? Izzit cool to list those as well.? 8) d:^) Schneeky..

Eminent Member Registered
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Good idea. Damn shame that we need a section dedicated to this though.

Mark Clapp
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Copied this from another site, hope you don't mind!

Theft & Recovery, great news!

Sept. 5th:
Creekside Yacht Club, Bradley's Creek. Looks like about a dozen boats got hit last night. Only fishing gear seems to have been taken and only good stuff at that.

I had 4 full tackle bags and 6 Inshore Loki/Riley Rods (lime green, sparkle red, microguides very noticeable stuff) with Daiwa Fuego 2000's and 2500's lifted and one boat had a full line of Penn Internationals and all their Offshore stuff gone. Lots of other gear from the other boats

It's all on video so we'll see but doesn't help much with canelled trips.

Sept. 10th:
Somebody is going down. Left a young man trying to explain to the detective how well over $20K worth of gear happened to be in his garage.

The other gentleman who had most taken had two Penn International 50's and four 30's. All 50th Anniversary IGFA Editions on custom sticks he got from his Dad. He is a very happy camper right know.

At least the guy had the Riley's hanging on the wall.

Miles Haywood
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Just stolen from my garage Saturday night 1/11/16 in Wilmington.
(2) - Penn 12T on stand up rods with roller tip (excellent condition)
(3) - Shimano TLD 25 on stand up rods (average condition, rigged with planners and spoons)
(1) - Shimano Torium 30 on Travela rod (colored line, average condition)
If you see any of these items for sale please contact me and I'll take it from there.
Miles 910-228-1000

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Bert Perry

Thu, Apr 11, 10:50 AM (2 days ago)

to captaindavetilley
I don't know if you are aware the coast guard found Jeffs boat on Tuesday, The Coast guard and Oak Island Police told the family to pick up the boat at Wrightsville boat landing Tuesday night at 9 pm, The insurance company gave them a claim number to give to sea tow and the boat would be released,  So shortly before 9 PM we were told we would now have to meet them at the marina, the owner of sea tow Wrightsville beach was there, he would not release the boat or any of the fishing equipment on board.  There were two coast guard  officers on the boat that would not help us and said not their issue was a civil matter.  I am going to do everything I can to make sure this never happens again to another family the same position, and i hope you will help me spread the word and i know Sea tow is one of your sponsors  The owner of sea tow form the start had no intention of turning That boat over to the family that guy is a real scumbag looking for a big payday.  I was there when the family tried to pick up the boat.   Please Spread the word on what happened!
